There are still issues that polarize even the liberal reformed Church, Yes, to divide assets: marriage for all is one such mushroom. Therefore, the Church has been covering Federal prior to yesterday’s chamber of Deputies, with statements, Manifestos and open letters in.

The opponents hold marriage and Marriage for all was a radical break with the Judeo-Christian Tradition, the Theo is not biblically, logically justifiable and arbitrary about the blessings of God have.

freedom of conscience is guaranteed: No parish person is forced to such a Marriage.

The reason is due to what has prevailed in the house of Assembly, the Argument that God’s blessing can assume all of the loving people, whether they are heterosexual or gay. The Calvinist Church, Parliament has left it to be wise to its member churches, the wedding Ceremony for all to introduce. It has also taken care to humiliate the defeated opponent and marginalize. It has explicitly stated the freedom of conscience of pastors, also in the case of the Marriage of same-sex couples: No parish person is forced to such a Marriage.

This is due to the open Church, upper Michel Müller and Gottfried Locher, who had justified the Opening up of marriage with good arguments. FSPC President Locher, for example, has made it clear that the marriage belong to the basic questions of the faith and of the social consensus was not as important as the biblical basis. And is by no means as clear-cut as the Bible faithful the would like to have. God is for you, the power of his love limits and even the laws of nature beyond.

The Yes of the reformed Church allows her to strengthen their traditional closeness to the liberal state. Conversely, it will make it difficult for Ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue, in particular with the Roman Catholic, Evangelical and Orthodox brothers and sisters in Faith and Islam. Ultimately, however, it can be also only beneficial if you need to your patriarchales and homophobic image of God question.

Created: 05.11.2019, 18:37 PM