Almost two-thirds of young adults in Switzerland looking for a family with two children. In reality, many only have a child or remain childless. Because the compatibility of offspring and career concerns. The results of a new survey by the Federal office for statistics.

In the 50 – to 59-Year-olds, only 40 percent have two children. A sixth has a child, about one in four is childless. Most women with a Tertiary education, without talent, because they fear that the birth of a child would have a negative impact on their career prospects. In women with a lower level of education and in men, these proportions are significantly lower.

the fears of The women are not unfounded: In more than two-thirds of the households with children, the house work is done mainly by mothers. Only about 5 percent of the fathers are mainly responsible. The remaining quarter of the parents the house work done together.

the allocation of The various tasks in Couple households are still very classic. Women clean more, cook, and organize gifts. Men are doing more administrative Work and minor repairs. On average, they come to a share of 5.8 percent, while women do 60 percent of housework.

Also in the care of the children, the mothers, the majority bear the main responsibility. In three-quarters of the households with children under the age of 13 you stay home when the children are sick. The mothers take care of a majority of the attract children and to make sure that they are properly tightened, as well as to help the children with their homework.

Significantly more fathers are involved, when it comes to get the kids to bed, or to talk with them about their problems. In approximately two-thirds of the households in these tasks by both parents, to be perceived together.

especially for women who are economically active, the loading is high. Almost a quarter of the mothers out there, you had to work most of the time or always too tired to do the house work. Each Fifth has of effort to bring the various activities under a hat.

in order To load, get a good two-thirds of the households child care assistance. Most often, they rely on the environment, and in particular the grandparents and other relatives, neighbors or friends. Nurseries and the school supplementary care services are also popular. Significantly less days parents and the Babysitter are widely used.

Where a family lives affects the use of external care, strong. In large cities, over 60 percent use a crib, in rural communities, only 24 per cent. Also, the language plays a role. So children are cared for in the Romandie much more in the crib than in German-speaking Switzerland and in Ticino, where more on relatives and Acquaintances will be set.

many young adults – especially women – to remain behind their desire to have children back, has not, however, do with the stress in the household and in the care, but also with conservative values, which are still widely used. Although a large majority of mothers works, is set for a significant share of the population towards the employment of mothers skeptical.

Although has taken this position in recent years. But still, more than a third of men find that children suffer in the pre-school age if their mother is employed. Even more surprising is that one in four women represents this opinion.

Created: 04.11.2019, 11:56 PM