car-Switzerland is happy about a “Golden autumn”. Such as the Association of car importers announced today, were redeemed in October compared to the previous year, 14 percent more new cars in September, it was 18 percent. Thus, the number of new cars in the previous year, 252’500 added, an increase of nearly 2 percent compared to the same period of the previous year.

Until the end of the year attributed to car-Switzerland, based on a survey among its members, with 308’000 new cars. Although this is less than in the previous peak year of 2015 (324’000), but more than 2018. At that time, the market slumped to just under 300’000 border, however, not least due to difficulties in delivery. As a comparison, better in 2017 is therefore: at that Time, there were 314’000 new car, so slightly more than now forecast. Car-Switzerland spokesman Christoph Wolnik speaks a total of a “good-2019”.

This is also clear: The climate debate for months, the media dominant issue, has not managed to do the desire of the Swiss population on new cars to reduce. Wolnik shows this is not surprising: The number of the redeemed, new-car moving for years on the 300’000, so quite stable. Not stable, the development of the number of people, however, is the car in Switzerland. In 2009, it was the end of September, about 4 million, today, ten years later, there are 4.7 million – not least a result of population growth.

All of these cars consume in the production, sale lot of energy, pollute the environment. This is also the case if you produce in the operation itself is not a CO2 as purely electrically powered vehicles, or at least emit less CO2 than a conventional model, such as the Plug-in Hybrid, the two different drive systems have, usually a gasoline engine with an electric motor. The reason is that electric cars will start with a pretty heavy ecological Rucksack, mainly because of the batteries.

These so-called plug-in vehicles, so electric cars and Plug-in Hybrids, are becoming increasingly popular – a Trend that is also in this autumn, continues unabated. Meanwhile, the market share is close to 5 percent, which corresponds to about 12’000 vehicles. Alone 4400 attributable to Tesla. Auto-Schweiz has set itself the target of increasing the share of plug-in vehicles in 2020 to 10 per cent. In view of the recent development of the Association remains, according to Wolnik confident to be able to accomplish this.

Created: 04.11.2019, 17:14 PM