Alex T.* was until recently a female first name. This is wiped out since last month – ETH-internal and the same time on the ID card from Germany, his native country. The relief is great. “Now I no longer have to hide my identity, at last!” he says.

The mechanical engineering student, Alex is part of a group of around 25 persons, who want to achieve at the College a lot. The student Association Queer*z left last month sit up and take notice, because he found conditions that would significantly intervene in the higher education structures. It’s the end of the current definition of Gender: would be female and male. Specifically, the Association: gender neutral toilet in all high school buildings, gender neutral showers in the sports operation, as well as the introduction of a third gender option on University documents.

In the Wake of the emerging Queer movement, the Transgender issue is as present as ever. The movement is surfing on a wave of Zeitgeist, their concerns to be heard – in the universities. The club has a good chance, his concerns through. A part has already been implemented: students Already can change on your Legi Name and gender.

The University announced on request, that in new buildings with gender neutral toilets, shower and changing cubicles are planned. In a recent Petition was signed have been required to do this also in existing buildings – more than 500 people. At the ETH Queer*z is reached at the highest level: rector Sarah Springman, met in March with the club. A next Meeting is to be held in this month.

Up to 160 000 of TRANS people

The claims of the Association to trigger heated debates, how about a look at the online comments of recent media reports shows. Some show their solidarity with the concerns of the Association and its fight against “discriminating structures”. Others are angry, feeling provoked. A commentator speaks of only two sexes, either Penis or Vagina.

A view is considered outdated. Earlier sexologists and psychologists, thought-out interior that TRANS people have a gender identity disorder. Today, experts agree that trans is a rather rare standard variant, such as a four-leaf Clover. For a year, TRANS people will no longer apply, according to the world health organization as the mentally ill.

The number of TRANS people can only be estimated. In a survey conducted by Zurich students, three percent did not identify with the sex they were assigned at birth. The Transgender Network Switzerland (TGNS) of 40’000 to 160’000 TRANS people in Switzerland. For a long time now, not all come out of the closet, would it means, in the case of TGNS on request. The Numbers are consistent with studies from abroad.

“it was extremely liberating,”

The Outing of Alex, Born in 1999, bachelor’s student, is a good year. Until then, he and the Female played – however, rather bad. His friends were already in the Kindergarten, predominantly male. He developed an early affinity for practical crafts. When his family built a house, he put on a Hand. He moved stones, distributed concrete and controlled then with the water balance. “Sister and mother worked in the kitchen, while I took care of it with the father to the construction site,” says Alex.

“children are cruel: they exploit vulnerabilities and attack, what falls out of the Norm.”Alex T.
engineering student

developed The problems came later, in adolescence: “As the physical features that were awkward for me,” says Alex. He preferred always been male clothing. At eleven he was shopping with his aunt in the clothing Department for boys. “From this Moment on, I wore only boy clothes. This was extremely liberating.”

Alex does not fit into the socially recognised Grid. In school, he was bullied, it rained snide remarks. “Kids are cruel: they exploit vulnerabilities and attack, what falls out of the Norm,” says Alex. This applies partially also for adults: As a 12-Year-old, he was thrown by a woman from the cinema toilet, because he has no business there. From there, avoided the Alex, whenever possible, the corridor in public toilets.

The letter to parents

The family was his greatest support. “Without you I would not have survived my time in school,” says Alex. His greatest fear was, however, Because his parents had no points of contact on the subject, it was unclear how they would take it. The move to Zurich offered him the Chance for a new beginning. He threw himself into his degree at ETH Zurich, and networked with other TRANS people. This gave him the stability he needed. In the summer of 2018, he wrote his parents a long letter: “I am transsexual and, if you have now googled, that means in my case, I’ve always felt as a Boy or man. (. . .) It’s part of me, like my blue eyes, my stubbornness and my love to you.” The parents accepted their son.

It is a hormone therapy was followed by physical changes were visible: “This all felt very right,” says Alex. From then on, he works with other TRANS people for more social acceptance in the universities. He met people like the biology student James Ackermann. Like Alex, he also is involved in the student Association’s Queer*for example,

For example, for gender-neutral shower cabins. James Ackermann told that he was going to read as a man, certain of his body parts. This could lead to unpleasant situations. “Showers, for me, is at the University impossible.”

High suicide Rate

His voice has become by the hormone therapy deep, on his face, a fine beard sprouting stubble. He is in favour of the possibility of a third gender option: “We have some non-binary TRANS-people in the club that are in need of exactly these gender option.” This is not possible at the Zurich universities – in contrast to the University of Lucerne about – yet.

“The suffering of many Transgender youth is very large.”Dagmar Pauli
chief doctor of the children and youth psychiatry of the University hospital of Zurich

There are Doctors and psychiatrists, the trans as a fad, and the spirit of the time phenomenon. The resist Dagmar Pauli, chief doctor of the children and youth psychiatry of the University hospital Zurich, speaks. You don’t believe in a Zeitgeist phenomenon. “The suffering of many Transgender youth is very large,” she says. The Rate of young people with depression, suicidality and self-injury in TRANS people in adolescence are particularly high. They spent approximately 70 percent. “Why should expose the Affected by this suffering because of a trend?”, asks Pauli.

“no one chooses voluntarily to be trans,” says James Ackermann. But he has also learned to be Positive. For example, he knows now how he will be by the company be treated as a woman as as a man. And that there are some differences. “As a man, I get more attention, it will I be awarded more powers,” says Ackermann. This is, in fact, tragic.

* Name known to the editors

Created: 04.11.2019, 17:04 Uhr