Milena MoserSa 2.11., 16, smooth centre,
New winter thurerstr. 99
Di 12.11., 20 PM, Cosmos, Lagerstr. 104

“The beautiful life of the dead”. What a beautiful title. Suitable at the time. And also to this “Züritipp”. Milena Moser told in her new book, a very personal story: from the day of the dead in Mexico is a celebration of life, of your Partner has a deadly disease, finally – and as always – by himself. And you will laugh, as Milena Moser on may laugh. You told with ease from the not always so simple life. “Forever Young” is not an Option. (bu)

Dirk StermannSo 3.11., 20 PM, Kaufleuten, Pelikanplatz

He was born in the German Duisburg, Germany and Austria to the Star. With the Tyrolean Christoph Grissemann, it forms a Satireduo – the best in the German-speaking countries. Together, they make the TV programme “Welcome Austria” to the experience. Stermann listen to, is a joy, even when he reads from the books, because he can also write very funny. He did recently with “The Boy gets the Good last” (2016) is proved. Full of irony, the new novel is. In “The Hammer” is about the fate of a young interpreter to 1800 to the court of Vienna. (ish)

Luke BärfussSo 10.11., 17 PM, Literaturhaus, Limmatquai 62

He is the FC Thun in the literature. Lukas Bärfuss, who comes from the province, plays a role – and sometimes also in the Champions League. On 2. In November he was awarded the büchner prize, it is probably the distinction of having the highest reputation in the German-speaking countries. And in October he published the volume of stories “Malinois”. About the Power of prices and the Power of Wishing, he will also speak this evening, side-by-side with Martin Heller. (bu)

Salman RushdieFr 15.11., 20 PM, People’s House, STAUFF Acherstr. 60

A pop star on-the-go. Salman Rushdie, who has enrolled with novels like “midnight’s children” (1981), or “The moor’s last sigh” (1995) in the map of world literature, is now on tour for his new “Quixote”, the stations are Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich, Vienna and Zurich. He himself tells of a riser. A man who has watched too much TV, goes on the Quest – all in the service of his Dulcinea, as was once made Don Quixote. For “Quixote,” is Rushdie by the way, the debate recommendation: ki-SCHOTT. (bu)

David SedarisSo 24.11., 20 PM, Kaufleuten, Pelikanplatz

When the Americans out of his car reads a biographical anecdotes and life observations, then one wishes, he may stop soon. Hardly anyone is told so funny and brutally honest by trying to get a reading tour with the stomach flu through it, from the obsessive relationship to its step counter, from the common older be explained with his Partner or from the afternoon of Shopping in Tokyo, Where he was the seller in a design boutique, he was not a pediatrician, because he knows the Japanese word for a writer. (ish)

Kenah CusanitMo 25.11., 19.30
Winterthur, Coalmine, Turnerstr. 1

Can this work? A novel about archaeological excavations near Baghdad, and the German Oriental fantasies, to the time of Kaiser Wilhelm II? It can. If that is so well told in “Babel”. The 40-year-old German author and ancient near Eastern studies scholar Kenah Cusanit has proved it with her debut novel. For this she was praised highly, and for the prize of the Leipzig book fair in 2019 nominated. With Cusanit live in your story between Babylon and Berlin, to immerse, could be an experience. (ish)

Created: 02.11.2019, 13:23 PM