The scandal potential of nudity on the stage is consumed. But they always bring back naked on the stage, why?
Because I want to fat dance – waves of love-and the No-go of a society. The advertising spaces are placarded with people, the recognised body to have a nice, so by the society. The Ideal is: It can’t wiggle. But I just find Wiggle super. At the same time I know that you need power to be able to jump high. But I don’t try now, to train my soft Spots totally, or to negate. Are there interesting to draw in consideration. And if you’re naked, don’t you see only the waves and the vibration of the meat better. You will also experience the energy and dance opportunities in the grease plug.

We can see what energies are stuck in fat – really?
Yes, I have been doing it now for ten years. To develop, I began my fat-dance technique with my own body for the piece “More than enough”. A Theater in France, had asked me if I would make a piece about my body. At that time I was bigger.

And they were immediately excited to make about your former obesity a piece?
My first answer was: “no, I’m sure, because my body is of course nice for me. In addition, I work with my body as it is and not make on the subject of how he looks.” But then I’ve changed again over slept and my opinion: I didn’t have to do that, because there was, obviously, the acceptance, the I wish. And so I began to develop my fat-dance technique.

“Habitat / Halle E”, Doris uhlich’s largest choreography: The naked body of 120 people clapping to electronic Sounds. Image: Katarina Šoškic.

you can set the stage so that what others perceive as a flaw?
Exactly, when I started this, but it was soon so that thin dancers wanted to learn my fat-dance technique. And so I began to dance naked to give workshops. In the first year, there were nine participants, in the second there were 30 to 40. And from then on, I had waiting lists. The Whole thing was very weird, because so often naked on the stage, but nobody taught dance Naked. Me but it’s not a Pose or a corset of a concept of art that lays on the bare skin. Also, not to the clichés of nudity, you know the way. But very strongly to the discovery of new layers, to moving, to emotional meat.

To emotional meat?
Yes, if you jump naked, the Breasts can fly, and the Penis is swinging, then you feel happiness feelings. There is something extremely Hippieeskes, which began to fascinate me. It is not a dramatic effect, I’m interested in, it is to Be naked. Therefore, I can say: I show me naked, I’m naked, Doris.

It is not but your idea that being naked is a kind of primitive state returns?
no, I don’t think I have a natural naked body. That would be bullshit. Also, the naked human being has a dress code, I always say: You have hair or not. You have Piercings, Tattoos or not. That is, even if I’m no clothes, no, I still have a body that is shaped by me and by others. We are all sort of mixed creatures of the molding.

another scene from “Habitat / Halle E”.

Because our bodies are shaped by ourselves, but also of the society?
Exactly, my philosophy of the flesh, so that the body is a kind of memory, your history, but also the history of the world. The skin is not an impermeable barrier but a permeable membrane. In the Moment that I get undressed and Hand landing on my flesh, to shake, I sort of my storage system, something to reallocate. In the Moment I shake me, shake me too my physical Thinking. This can be very liberating.

What want to get rid of the people who come to you in the Workshops?
This is different. As there are many motivations for why people move out. For women from cultures around, in which there are dress codes, can nudity be a political Moment. But there are also people who have severe problems with your body. The visit to my Workshop, and you think, suddenly: is Actually all right. If you dance naked, you shame the fall of borders and discovers a Unverkrampftheit, which many do not know, because it’s just Sex sells. Or: Who is beautiful and who is not. It comes to ease and eventually to a satisfaction with yourself, no matter how it looks. The main thing, it is healthy, the main thing is, you can move.

Can you describe in more detail how, in their Workshops, boundaries of Shame can be?
It is a empathy in the room, which is incredible. Naked is a state that we all know is to be. We come naked to the world, not attracted. I’ve discovered for me that I can meet people in everyday life. In the sense of: Okay, you can wear in your line of work a suit, but at some point you’re going to be naked, if you wash yourself, for example.

nudity as an energetic condition that we can share – this is going to sound a little esoteric.
For me not. I’m no Eso. I get E-Mails from Doctors, who say: “you declare, the only different from what the neuro-science, or the trauma research and white.” What I am describing is so totally real, it is something is actually happening. My Workshops and pieces of Work is not dance therapy. I’m an artist, that is, I think, in an aesthetic Form; the body consists of soft and hard masses. And when you start to work with two, fat is a virtuoso, and there is a variety.

A variety?
Yes, one always speaks of a diversity in society. After the search, I also – and at the same time I’m looking for the diversity in myself, in my body.

Now that you have shown in the case of “Tanz in Bern” is a piece that will be contested by three persons who are dependent on a wheelchair and all three of them are naked at the end of the piece.
For me, it was a job like any other. The people in “Every Body Electric” may have other requirements. At the beginning of the work it was not even the Plan that you will be naked. Started we have attracted with a movement research. Soon but on the topic, what is the connection of the three to your wheelchair to your body extension.

The wheelchair as a body extension?
Exactly, he is a body extension, you can call him the third leg, or an exoskeleton, because without this body extension can not move the three to continue. Vera, the woman in “Every Body Electric,” had already participated in a previous naked piece of me and the two men in the new group shown, what has she done at that time. The reaction was “Woah, Doris, I want that!”. I was totally flabbergasted because I had not expected it. In the case of the movement of research has then tried to make a new connection to the body extension to be incorporated, that is to say: The robe was pulled out, and entered into a new relationship to the rubber of the tire and the steel. In this respect, it was suddenly a very carnal, physical Research with the wheelchair. If you wanted to, so to speak, come to his vehicle closer.

In “Every Body Electric” body on the stage, you don’t usually get to see naked. Also a political Statement?
Clearly, if a person with a disability moves out, then that is a different punctuation. In this respect, it is an act of Self-consciousness, a political engine of this group drives. Also an attempt to shift perceptions of beauty and to raise the question of who is allowed to undress in our society, actually.

you are already naked, were in the audience.
Actually, Yes. Part there are nudist clubs that come to my performances. So that was at least a guest appearance in Düsseldorf: The have stored in the cloakroom not only their coat, but all of the dresses.

do you Know why the do this and what these naked viewers to experience differently?
My Work are insanely lush, in the sense that it develops a strong empathy and desire gets, try it out for yourself, what the performers do on the stage. Therefore, it happens sometimes that someone in the audience takes off spontaneously. I also hear quite often that viewers have moved out after a performance at home in front of the mirror and also have wobbled. What are the viewers, who take off during the performances, experience different than the dressed, I can’t say, I asked myself the never. But maybe you try it on your own time?

Created: 04.11.2019, 17:20 PM