the Finnish majority are work-related immigration is positive, determine Exceedingly economic research from space by the query.

41 per cent of finns hope for more immigrants to work in Finland. 38% feel that work-related immigration nykytahti is appropriate.

19% of respondents want to slow down the work-related migration rate. The remaining 2% do not tell their opinion.

the Different parties only support for the true finns indices is more work-related immigration reduction as its growth in favour of the.

basic Finnish respondents, only one in four would increase work-related immigration. Good one-third of the true finns hope Finland current less-working immigrants. More than 40% are satisfied with the current situation.

basic Finnish jacket so two-thirds should be work-related immigration level at least unchanged.

the Print may have some surprising. For example, the true finns chairman of the Jussi Halla-aho has been talking about the EU and the EEA outside the labour force to Finland against the.

economic research head of research Juho Rahkonen said to Yle that the “true finns opinion of moderation put in the eye”. He believes the result is due to the fact that the party structure has changed.

the true finns vote for very many other reasons than immigration or, in particular, labour migration, fight against it.

– support for the true finns has more than 20% and it’s getting to be general of the party. The more people, the more positions softened and sharply think the significance will be reduced.

Suopeimpia work-related immigration are the green supporters. Among them, more than two-thirds worth of work number of migrants to the lifting.

left alliance supporters hold this view is a rich half and a coalition of supporters half.

economic investigation, Harri little fabric / Yle“We should not labour access to at least own decisions makes it difficult to”

economic research made a similar survey also in 2015 and 2018. These years between the work-related immigration support rose markedly.

Rahkonen believes that this reflects the fact that the finns “see what is happening around”.

We began to be a lack of working population. This also gives a clear message to politicians that they could be in these matters bolder. The majority thinks that we should not labour access to at least own decisions difficult.

Rahkonen according to thinking, where here come the foreigners to take Finnish work, is becoming increasingly rare.

– Still 4-5 years ago, speech to labour shortages, we were laughing. It was said that we have a shortage of jobs and the workforce. Now it is understood that a large part of the fighter jock, the task group began already to be at work. Nothing gigantic reserve, which would be able to patch up.

“it’s Not so that we’re nice and let people here”

ministry of employment and economy (TEM) has estimated that Finland will need 20 000 occupational immigrants a year. It is still far away.

TEM:according to last year, Finland moved about 12 000 people (you move to another service) the basis of the work. The majority of new labor force arrived at the so-called third countries. Citizens of EU countries coming to Finland to work less and less.

the labor shortage has many (you move to another service), including good wages (you move to another service), in the fields. For example, finland has a great need for doctors.

in finland, the population is ageing and the children are born less and less. Finland is wrestling with the sustainability deficit with alone, but with the working population shrinking in many European countries.

economic survey research manager Juho Rahkonen said, that the finns understand the foreign labor necessary.Around the Cord / Yle

Rahkonen according to the competition of the workforce is hard and it is not clear that there even is enough enough at work net outflow abroad.

it’s Not so that we are nice we let here that much people as we want, but so that we will have to actively attract and to apply here, labor.

Rahkonen believes that it is not the immediate labor needs, but in the big picture of Finnish society vitality.

When here comes the active working age and families based on the people, they use the services, consume and pay taxes. It will increase the gross domestic product, although it would be a smaller salary.

Rahkonen view, for example, in Sweden the economy is booming largely due to the large nuorehkon and the working-age population thanks.

– sweden’s success in undeniable factor is Finland’s more favorable population age structure.

Highly educated, well earning the big city residents stand out

the economic survey according to the survey, finns are on average of work-related immigration it more positively, the better educated they are, the bigger the city they live in and the more they earn.

between Men and women is not similar in a big difference.

in a Small municipality in work-related immigration would reduce that fourth respondent. Juho Rahkonen keep the result a little surprising, because the remote areas are suffering from frequent labour shortages, people will be reduced and services to deteriorate.

– work-related migration tend to focus on the largest cities, so maybe it is not believed to remote areas of the saviour.

for Different age groups epäilevimmät position are 24-35-year-olds, which as one of four reduction in the number of immigrants.

in This outfit is the students and working life in the first half, which may experience foreign labor to Finland to entry to increase competition in the labour market.

Such ideas can be, especially the so-called carrying out work, which in Finland work immigrants are in the majority.

Still, also in the above two groups of work-related immigration expanders is more than the reduced roster.

economic survey questionnaire were interviewed face-to-face 1005:in person in late September and early October in different parts of finland. The margin of error is around three percentage points.

See A-studio today on TV1 with at 21. Why a work permit in Finland have to queue up for months? In the studio of the game company supercell’s ceo Ilkka Paananen and by director general Jaana Vuorio. As The Host Of The Katri Makkonen. #yleastudio

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