The distribution campaign causes a stir – but probably not in the way the Post is presented. The counter staff of the Post had to Flyer for digital Banking and Postfinance-distribute the App. The ambiguous content provided there, but for Trouble, as the “promotional week” reported.

The saying “A Smile is enough to turn me on” is supposed to be a relic from earlier times, criticized the trade Union Syndicom, in a media release. The Slogan does not fit in the present era: “Such a sexist ad set in the 21st century. To look for century, and in the year of the woman strikes a mockery for all those who fight against such structures.” In addition, ironically, the predominantly female staff are forced into post office branches to distribute the Flyer. Shortly after the switch, opening a lot of Post were reported to staff at the Union. The Post wanted to apply with the Flyer of the function that the Postfinance App is using facial recognition to unlock. But the sentence is easy to misunderstand.

A Post office spokeswoman told the “promotional”, that you have promptly responded to the criticism: “We condemn any Form of sexism. The must have at the Post office no place.” In the assessment of the distribution of action you have considered too little what it feels like to distribute the Flyer. “The reactions of employees are received, we have stopped the distribution of action immediately,” said the spokeswoman. The Post regret that the company had misjudged the Situation. (red)

Created: 04.11.2019, 15:33 PM