Like a Ghost house, the old main building of the Zurich city hospital Triemli next to the glass of the new bed for the house: The lights are extinguished, the concrete construction is out of operation. It is the second leg of its Renovation – and thus another Chapter of a tricky story, which led, among other things, to 2018, with the disposal of the former SP councillor Claudia Nielsen runs. How the story ends, is open; also, what is the cost of the population at the end.

what is Clear is that Zurich will have to shell out for the Renovation, possibly more than the original construction. This was made in 1970 according to the plans of the architect teams of Zurich Ernst Schindler finished. Ten years earlier, the voters had approved a 125 million Swiss francs for the construction project.

The plans changed a number of times

The concrete building from the 1960s is not known as a nice. Also to the city’s inventory of art and cultural-historical objects of Protection he’s not managed so far. The Builder Ernst Schindler had studied at the ETH Zurich, Gustav Gull, and Karl Moser architecture. Later, he worked intermittently with Le Corbusier. Hospital his special area of buildings: he also planned the Zurich stadtspital Waid, hospital Bülach, in the Canton of Spital Altdorf and the clinic Balgrist in Zurich. The triemli hospital counts as one of his last great works. At the inauguration, Schindler was already in the pension age.

Now the hospital tower itself has been 49 years. After the city Council of Zurich decided in 2003 – at that time still under the leadership of Claudia Nielsen’s predecessor, Robert Neukomm (SP) – a total concept for the preservation of the concrete high-rise building, the Renovation is essential.

But the plans were changed several times: First, the tower should be taken for a period of five years and deeply repaired. 2014 rejected, the city Council then this strategy, as higher costs would emerge. Now he sat on a “cost-minimizing maintenance”. The building should be fitgemacht for 15 more years, it said in a city Council decision of August 2015.

the Old and the new: Next to the former main building of the Ernst Schindler, the new bed, the house is created. (Image: Andrea payer/Tamedia)

However, this intention proved to be a convertible, Three years later, during the renovation works started already noted, the city Council in a subsequent decision: “Overall, the structural measures to ensure the serviceability of the building for another 30 years.”

Despite fire safety deficiencies in the operation of delivery is more

The cost is large. A 2015 completed state analysis had shown that the old hospital-the main building is after 45 years of operation in a “predominantly middle-up part to poor condition,” the Alderman wrote. And: “When it comes to fire protection, the massive shortcomings in the whole of the escape route situation there.”

“When it comes to fire protection, there are massive shortcomings in the whole of the escape route situation.”The city Council of Zurich on the condition of the hospital

in Spite of fire protection deficiencies: The 2016 begun maintenance work on the tower were carried out during ongoing operation, like a hospital spokeswoman said on request. Only since the beginning of 2019, as the Renovation was in its second stage, also visible from the outside, the old hospital main building will be empty. After the completion of the construction work it will offer starting in 2022 contemporary outpatient and administrative space. Between the tower and the bed house Pass will be created, in order to optimize the operation.

Still open is, how much will the cost of Renovation of the building at the end of a total. The first stage was settled according to the hospital spokeswoman, with 16.6 million Swiss francs; for the second stage of 106,6 million were budgeted. The third stage will the city Council – in the meantime, Andreas Hauri (GLP) is the city of Zurich to health and the environment Department – is expected in early 2020 for approval.

Three of the Zurich hospital sites in Addition to the city hospital Triemli to run in the city of Zurich’s other major hospital construction projects: the construction of the new children’s hospital in the Lengg. The ground-breaking ceremony took place in 2018, the move to the new building is planned on the end of 2022. Designed the new children’s hospital by the architectural office of Herzog & de Meuron. The cost of the children’s hospital, estimated to be 625 million Swiss francs.

the University hospital of Zurich wants to renew – and at the same time the old main building. A to the hospital Park adjacent to the new building according to the plans of Christ & Gantenbein is to be realized in a first stage, up to 2026 for approximately 600 million Swiss francs. By 2037 a total of five new buildings are planned on the core area of the Zurich University hospital in Uniquartier. (mts)

Created: 04.11.2019, 14:54 PM