in the Below graphics has compiled the five largest corporate tax payer, i.e. companies in Finland. These figures take account of consolidated data, i.e. the companies, both in Finland pay the amount of tax.

Yle has received the largest groups of tax information from companies themselves.

Source: Data obtained from companies.Juha Rissanen / Yle.

Last year, the company tax tip looks different than the other in the major taxpayers list. Largest community of tax paid last year was forest enterprise UPM more than 200 million tax pot got. It is reaching the third place on number one.

UPM has told this year the significant decision to invest in Uruguay the new pulp mill, which the company believes to improve its pulp business, and print. On the other hand, this year the price of pulp in the world has fallen to the beginning of the year peak, which seems this year’s third quarter results. It decreased year-long rise in the tube after.

the Second TOP 5 list is the state-owned energy company Liquid , which will pay taxes of about eur 145 million. The liquid is reaching towards the top Yle listing, as last year it was still at number five.

Fluid with the same million in the class is a German globally acting pharmaceutical company Bayer , which pay the taxes last year were a tad more than 145 million euros. Bayer’s pharmaceutical plant in Turku. Years ago, Bayer didn’t fit the five largest tax payer among them.

the Bank fell out of the tax tip of the

Significant changes have occurred in the banks. They are adding the cost of the cutting edge from year to year. Last year’s rank OP financial Group stands tall as the largest corporate tax payable in Finland, but this year it does not fit in the five largest among them. Naturally, it is a revenue stream to the weakening of the OP’s point, since the corporation tax companies pay from its taxable income. Low interest rates, time is of banks the basic business of a difficult time.

its Headquarters to Finland, Sweden, transferred to the nordic region’s largest banking group Nordea is still the fourth-largest corporation tax paying 135 million euros.

Sampo group share Finland paid the community taxes is just over 124 million. It was the fifth largest taxpayer. Sampo owns about a fifth of Nordea.

the financial sector accounted for the proportion of taxes paid is the financial sector’s own estimates, 679 million, which is about 11.4 per cent tax on the entire proceeds. However, it is about 186 million less than the previous year.

the State investment company Solidium is close to the top five. The community tax pot last year was quite the Sampo group of slightly more than eur 124 million. Solidium is a minority owner of 13 pörsisyhtiössä, which are considered to be nationally significant.

the Gaming company Supercell is a household name in the tax statistics, that too because of that Supercell ceo Ilkka Paananen hear from the person for tax purposes most make the. Paananen aggregate wage and capital incomes were approximately eur 110 million. Taxes he will pay 40 million euros.

Peliyhtö is instead longer the largest tax payers in the forefront, even if it paid last year in taxes more than eur 107 million. Supercell owns, namely the chinese technology giant Tencent. Supercell for sale established Kahon 3-holding company was still in 2016 corporate income tax rank among the top. In 2016, it pays taxes to Finland, almost 675 million.

society received by the community tax pot grew

Companies pay taxes to the state and municipalities increased last year by 4.5 percent from the previous year. The entire amount was 5.9 billion euros, an increase of 255 million in 2017. Community tax is in Finland, 20 per cent.

businesses to pay corporation tax increase, the tax administration economist Aki Savolainen considered good. Growth explains a good momentum in the economy, which is reflected in the enterprises in recent years results.

– the Economy has gone well and the companies have made more profit. The fact they tax you accumulate.

a Large part of the taxes goes to the state. To the municipality in taxes, depending on how well the individual municipalities of the region’s jobs, Savolainen says. Community tax 68.7 per cent goes to the state and county to 31.3 percent.

Companies get the most refunds have increased from the previous year by as much as 30%.

– at the Top of the bank and this may suggests that performance has been weaker than during the year is estimated, Savolainen said.

Savolainen raises the question of whether corporations tax administration to the bank, because the tax authorities to pay money the interest rate, which banks did not get. Tax administration, to pay the interest rate returns is 0.50%, which is better than bank deposits pay interest rates of zero interest rates during the period.

the tax administration is Savolainen, according to find out things from previous years, and are not detected. About big percentage returns gives the tax administration the economist, according to the subject, however, to look at what happened.

the residual tax has grown in recent years from the previous year quarter. Public information to find the residual tax list number one, which is Kahon 3, i.e. the Supercell for the purpose of sale established by the company. The residue of the tax, i.e. mätkyt to tell you the fact that the company has assessed their income lower than they in the final tax are.

the end of the Case is a tax administration published a list of the hundred largest corporate tax payer. The big groups of the individual subsidiaries are shown as separate companies. Big groups can have numerous subsidiaries in different parts of Finland.

see also:

Look at the high earners list – supercell’s Ilkka Paananen was the last year the most ever earned for the Finnish

Digijättien profits taxes finally to Finland? A revolutionary reform would bring revenue to Google and facebook from – but supercell’s tax pot to drain elsewhere

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