Suonenjoki at the old high school is about to start food-assistance-day. Local unemployed association in the premises of about 60 people to pick up bread, milk, fruit and other products, which are obtained as a donation from local shops and restaurants.

the Unemployed association, Suonenjoki made self-association, has been running a food aid to localities last year.

the recession of the 1990s after the established association was already between the shipyard, until the Christoper and Markku Korhonen decided to revive the operation about 12 years ago.

in more unemployment experienced by the couple noted that the location of the unemployed should do something.

So They started a “new career” when he retired at 60.

the couple’s time is gone after mainly the association to run. Now they are in that situation, that it is time to stop. Suonenjoki is made self-association stop working the end of this year.

the Situation is typical in different parts of Finland.

Associations stop for a variety of reasons

the Last ten years, 50 unemployed, the association has discontinued its activities in the different parts of Finland. In 2009, the associations had more than 130. Currently, there are about 80.

the Background is Unemployed the central organization, according to a number of reasons.

First, the association of business conditions have weakened in recent years.

YOU-administration granted by the employment policy grants have been reduced. Municipal grants awarded by the association of operations have been smaller or they will not be granted at all.

Also salary supported number of jobs has decreased in the previous four years.

the Situation also affects it, that unemployment has begun to decline.

And all this in addition to the ageing of the population, and the young are not interested in the association activities in the same way as, for example, in the 1990s.

Merrill Korhonen (right) is pleased that the volunteering continues suonenjoki have to undergo self-association terminated its operations. Arto Nikulainen is involved in rehabilitative work activities and Merja Vehviläinen is one of the volunteers. Marianne Mattila / Yle

New promoters to fade in the associations might be found by creating a joint municipal and urban employment units and social workers.

– Municipal employees may know of individuals who could own empowerment run or participate in activities, said activities director Jukka Haapakoski the Unemployed the central organization.

there is also the Hope that YOU-the office can be informed of the unemployed associations in the activities of the interested.

“Must be a capable person”

the association of the summary of responsibility is personified to certain types of parts makers, which have been difficult to find sustained.

the association of the lead partner will be human, willingness to help, the idea of the rich as well as the capacity to lead and manage the association activities.

– must be able to apply for grants, prepare reports, and understand when an activity is of general interest. Overall, should be a capable person, Haapakoski summed up.

Markku Korhonen believes that they do still continue to volunteer together Annmarien with.Marianne Mattila / Yle

suonenjoki have the association run by food share of around has developed into a very close community.

– we Want to help and we like to these people. These people need a mother and isähahmot, Merrill Korhonen says.

Korhosilla is both the background health care training and annmarien also have experience in substance abuse work.

“in rehabilitative work activities in the involved there are no suitable jobs”

the Unemployed associations mainly operate in smaller localities. The largest, more than a thousand members of the associations, are in Turku and in Jyväskylä.

Bigger associations activities is broad and projects have been hired for their specialized employees.

the Unemployed associations are themselves employers.

the central organization member based on the survey, about 30 percent of associations pay with support who worked at the unemployed people access the open labour market.

in addition to This 20% end up in training or other measures.

suonenjoki have to undergo self-association is working with the rehabilitating work experience period of the long-term unemployed.

the korhonen family must also experience the efforts of back to work is a very difficult thing. A couple of people have gotten hired with the support to work, but the job of ended employment relationships was not continued.

– in rehabilitative work activities in the involved there are no suitable jobs, Merrill Korhonen says.

the Association it is their responsibility to be the trade of surplus food gathering. Food aid is distributed once a week. In addition to the association share in the EU-dry-bags for the needy.

to undergo self-association of employed and volunteers, the average age is well over 50 years. Instead, the food aid they get also younger. Among them are families with children and also students.Marianne Mattila / YleJo warm meal to maintain the function

Most of the unemployed association of action is, however, the basic work: alongside of, advice and guidance.

Each association would be good to also have a canteen where you can get inexpensive and healthy warm food on a regular basis.

Already as a way to maintain the functional capacity and health, Jukka Haapakoski said.

the welfare of the People can also be supported by recycling clothes for example, or hobby tools.

to undergo self-association has made a lot of trips. The subject may have been known by the employer, such as forest machinery manufacturer Ponsse this fall. People have been to the lake the rescuers the journey, the bird and the provincial theaters.

the Association has purchased the free tickets to the local movie theater.

Heino Mutilate is one of them, which has got to stick to the job aside from Suonenjoki to undergo self-association. Marianne Mattila / YleTyöttömien associations should be given also for the young

the Unemployed a central organization, it is believed that also training young people would benefit from unemployed associations.

– Action young people could focus more on increasing motivation, Haapakoski said.

the Young should be encouraged to study or develop more meaningful employment, support the conclusion.

for Example, a car – and mediapajat as well as the nature associated with wizard, and empowering activities inspire particularly young people trying to life ahead.

the Associations should also be more cooperation between schools and educational institutions.

the korhonen family must also work begun by get a continuation of the

to undergo self-association of running has given Porter and Markku korhonen for a lot, even though between the stress level has been high.

– there Have been times when is not known how many will work when alcohol is part of the involved in the life, Christoper Korhonen says.

And when done by self-association to terminate, suonenjoki do not stay on empty.

Food distribution to continue the free church deacon’s association ViaDia. The area has also been established a new Single-Savo unemployed association. There, in the action plan is, inter alia, the digital skills necessary for development so that people could manage their affairs more through the network.

Read more:

Tuovi and George are long-term unemployed: “Also called social bums”

in North Karelia has been encouraging experiences for more than 50 years of age and the ability of työvalmennuksesta

in Pohjois-Savo 10 000 unemployed – the highest count youth unemployment


Christoper Korhonen sharing their thoughts also in a radio interview.

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