The technology is installed, the test phase begins. Russia tries out his new “sovereign Internet”, as of yesterday, the relevant law is in force. The Kremlin would like to be able to escape the Russian Runet, if necessary, from the Rest of the world. Whether this succeeds technically, is open. Sure but the authorities reach a different goal: you will gain greater control over the Online content in the country and, thus, limiting the freedom of expression more. Even worse, because in addition to unwanted threatening side effects. The law could make Russia unsafe, and ultimately probably lagging.

The law was adopted in April. Since then, Russian Internet service providers and Online service providers had to install special equipment on their servers. By the media can monitor the Supervisory authority Roskomnadsor content better. The authority already a black list for unwanted Internet sites. In the future, you want to stay Central, what content it blocks, where it slows down the flow of data or entire regions from the grid disconnects. That’s the Plan.

prefer your own Server

This isolation policy of Russia against cyber-attacks and to protect. In addition, the Kremlin, could come from the Rest of the world to the idea of the country from the global Internet cut off. That’s why you need your own infrastructure. Preferably, the Kremlin would redirect the Internet traffic completely on Russian Server.

What is advertised as a protection against external threats, was directed also against criticism from the inside. The Internet is the place to be in Russia, where the Opposition can, as yet, almost unhindered meeting. To meet protests over Twitter, Facebook and the messaging service Telegram. And while the state media of demonstrations, to mention as a side note, you can track them live on the Internet.

Against the isolation policy: A rally in Moscow for free access to the Internet last spring. Photo: Alexander Nemenov (AFP)

Online organize thousands of the aid for the Detained, and reports on the Internet about the absurd legal proceedings against protest participants. There is Videos to prove their innocence and at the same time the police to witness violence are circulating then. Information, the control of the Kremlin, but would like to control.

it is not only what is technically possible. The new Runet will make people feel more closely monitored. What opinion is allowed and what is not, to formulate the Russian laws such as the Fake News of, or against, insult of state power deliberately vague. Who wants to go that says anything.

New obligations and costs

the technical uncertainty of the Runet comes. Ready-the infrastructure is not for a long time, from now on, there should be an annual test runs. What happens if Roskomnadsor flips the lever and on the interior of the Russian network switches? At least, the data flow will be slower, but it could also be failures of companies, banks, hospitals could be affected. The censorship authority has in Trying to block individual pages, rather coarsely and sides paralyzed you had not targeted. What are the collateral damage risking them with the sovereign Internet?

And then there is the entrepreneurial uncertainty. New requirements lead to new costs for online services and providers. Anyone who does not bend to the will of the authorities to protect user data, may be blocked completely. Long ago, the Internet got even giants such as Yandex, the Russian counterpart to Google, under pressure. To include, for example, by the idea that major Internet companies, only a small Share of foreigners may. This isolation policy is detrimental to one of the few industries in the country, which is internationally competitive and innovative.

Created: 01.11.2019, 21:13 PM