religions are worldviews, the basis of the Belief in transcendent forces. The Transcendent is not provable. It is based on the Belief of certain intermediaries. Religion may influence beliefs, economic, political and psychological functions and thus, religious ideologies produce. Natural science research with enlightened skepticism. Also your Knowledge is never absolute truth, but is ultimately based only on Faith, but based this Belief on objective, empirical perceptions.

The man has been molded in the Evolution to a social herd animal with a powerful mind and a certain degree of reason. He has developed a need for Religion: He wants to understand the world and know what is good for the herd as a Whole is good. The simplest answer to these questions is “God”. This is, of course, explained nothing at all. Every Religion or ideology defined the term God on its own, and everyone can then decide for himself whether he wants to believe. Religious people like to follow the alpha animal of your herd, whether it is Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Marx, or Greta.

How to prevent the new Green-drift Religion in a Disaster, as has happened with all religions, at least temporarily? First of all, the company should recognise that there may be an absolute truth, never. This is the must likely decide on possible in a democracy, where all citizens think for themselves, and act, as long as they violate the human rights of others. Is defined since the enlightenment, human dignity. Often, however, rational opinions are suppressed as “politically incorrect” below.

just one example: The “greatest risk of Disaster for Switzerland,” according to the Federal office for the protection of the population, a severe electricity shortage in the Winter. Approximately 2000 deaths and a damage of about 100 billion Swiss francs are to be expected. This is at a probability of once in 30 to 100 years. In comparison, the risk of deaths and the economic damage in the case of a Swiss NUCLEAR power plant are-GAU (about once every 25’000 years ago), at least a hundred times lower: In Fukushima, there was not a single case of death due to Radiation, and the radioactivity is there, today, ten times lower than the natural radioactivity in Davos for millions of years. The power shortage could be avoided with NUCLEAR power plants that supply the electricity is almost CO2-free, or with expensive gas-fired power plants with 20 a year to 100 million tonnes of CO2.

And what of the believers, ideologically motivated opponents of NUCLEAR power plants do? You want to shut down all existing NUCLEAR power plant and a new, inherently safe NUCLEAR power, forbid, force the power suppliers to the huge production of CO2 In the country or abroad, and times verhundert the risk of fatalities and economic damage. With your doctrinaire behavior hinder any rational discussion, and thus the concrete measures for the relief of the environment.

500 years Ago, Zwingli as a reformer, and Erasmus of Rotterdam, with similar irrational, religious and ideological miss deal stands. Zwingli fought the old-believers in an unnecessary civil war that he lost. Erasmus taught, however, convincing and rational in his humanism. The values of humanism are respect, responsibility, integrity, justice, sense of community, sustainability, and transparency. They are accepted worldwide by all religions, even of atheists, as human obligations.

Greta’s apocalyptic Fears, we are the most intelligent, if we are rational Thinking of the enlightenment, to connect with the humanism of Erasmus. Yes, after 500 years, Switzerland is ripe for a new Reformation. But where is the reformer who would finally be doing something Brave, like Zwingli has the required? Without a departure from any Form of fundamentalist green ideology, this will not be possible.

Created: 01.11.2019, 21:37 PM