About the lack of attention can not complain to the climate activist Greta Thunberg currently truly. Millions of people around the world go to your model in the Protest for the climate regularly on the road.

DJ icon Fatboy Slim into the mix of your emotional speech at the United Nations in his hit, “Right Here, Right Now”. The 16-Year-old receives a lot of prices, it has done but also, the environment prize of the Nordic Council to reject, because its member countries are doing too little for climate protection.

Recently, there was still an honour for the young Swede: An insect named after her – a tiny, to be exact.

Nelloptodes gretae the small beetle, which has received its name explicitly in honor of Thunberg means, such as the natural history Museum in London announced a few days ago. Size: About a Millimeter. The species belong to the family of the dwarf beetle (Ptiliidae) and was so tiny that some of the protozoa bigger be said of the Museum. To be expressed

the honor to be Thunberg has not yet. It is made of particularly small living things, is likely to disturb you but hardly: “No One is Too Small to Make a Difference” (no one is too small to make a difference) is, finally, a guiding principle of the activist. You itself is not much bigger than a metre and a half.

leg prints of Greta’s Work

the species was Found already in the mid-1960s, in Kenya. Since then, the then, by the entomologist William Brock taken soil samples stored in the collections of the London Museum. Michael Darby, a scientific employee of the Museum, took them recently in more detail and decided on one of the now identified Ptiliidae species, and to designate these, according to Thunberg.

he didn’t let the tuna’s body size inspire, did Darby clear: “I want to emphasize that I have not named this way, according to Greta, because she is small – it’s just the group I’m working on,” he was quoted by the Museum.

The Nelloptodes gretae belongs to the family of the dwarf beetle (Ptiliidae) and is so tiny that some of the protozoa are larger. Photo: natural history Museum, London

Rather, Thun Berg’s impress him: “I’m really a big Fan of Greta. She is a huge advocate for the rescue of our planet and makes this Job fantastic. So I thought this was a good opportunity to acknowledge it.”

The Greta beetle is in good company: other type, named Darby, after the well-known British documentary filmmaker Sir David Attenborough, the have already been a number of insects and other animals is about a little frog in Peru and a rare Tasmanian snail – dedicated.

Celebrities named

again and again, species after Celebrities to be named, often because of certain Similarities with their famous role models, or their commitment to the environment and the climate. To Wake up often but also just to have the interest in the species.

after Leonardo DiCaprio named water beetles Grouvellinus leonardodicaprioi another beetle with a prominent model cavorting in the insect world. His Hollywood colleagues, Arnold Schwarzenegger, was dedicated to the strong forearms blessed Fly Megapropodiphora arnoldi.

After the Dementors of the “Harry Potter”series is named for a species of parasitoid wasp. Other insects were given their name in honor of Barack and Michelle Obama, or musicians such as John Lennon, Shakira, Mick Jagger, or Radiohead. Even a Hitler-beetle, the brown run of the beetle Anophthalmus hitleri, there are.

Shortly before his assumption of office in 2017, also US President Donald Trump in the Mottenart Neopalpa donaldtrumpi got a new name Vetter missed, because the canadian entomologist Vazrick Nazari had remembered the yellow scales on the head of the moth to trump’s hairstyle. It is suitable not only in California, but also in Trump’s oft-maligned Mexico home.

First Greta-type

And now, for presumably the first Time – also Greta Thunberg. “I suspect that this might be the first Time that a species is named after Greta. I know of no other beetle, which is named after her”, was Darby from his Museum quoted.

The beetle Nelloptodes gretae remains from the name for the time being, something Special. The type, in addition to the relatively small body Another size of something with the name godmother have in common: The antennas look, in the abstract, a little to the braids.

One distinguishes the two but completely: While Thunberg is now known around the world, it wasn’t the dwarf beetle yet in the Slightest. Until now. (ij/sda)

Created: 01.11.2019, 14:47 PM