The environmental Commission of the national Council (Urek) remains in the CO2-law on the line of the Federal Council and of the Council of States. Some of the points she has not decided yet. The air ticket levy and building measures.

you would like to examine some topics in greater depth and hearings, before decisions about the Commission informed on Tuesday. You shall sit still in the age composition. The impact of the elections will show only on the advice of the template in the national Council. Whether this takes place in the winter session, is open.

First stakes taken by the Commission. You agree that Switzerland is cut in half its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990. At least 60 percent of the reduction in the domestic to be done. Minorities to apply for a higher or lower degree of reduction, as well as a higher, lower or no domestic target.

more Expensive gasoline

the Commission Agrees with measures that increase the price of the petrol. Fuel importers must compensate for today is a part of their imports. In the future, you will need more offset and a larger part in the domestic. This increases the price of the petrol.

As the Council of States wants to limit the majority of the national Council Commission on the premium but. By 2024, the compensation is to be allowed to increase the price of the litre of fuel by up to 10 cents, from 2025 to up to 12 cents. A minority wants to set the Maximum at 8 cents.

electric cars promote

With a narrow majority of the Commission supports the Council of States to reserve a portion of the price of fuel-financed climate protection measures for the electrification of transport, or the development of alternative drive concepts.

Not to extend the Commission wants. the tax reductions for natural gas, LPG and renewable fuels It refers to a transitional law to prevent a gap. The Commission on the closing of the Federal Council, the renewable fuels intends to continue to promote, but with the Instrument of compensation. (fal/sda)

Created: 29.10.2019, 18:15 PM