His return to the national Council, has introduced to Pierre-Yves Maillard is probably different. The Canton of Vaud social Democrat, since may, President of the Swiss Federation of trade unions (SGB), made his Comeback after a 15-year-old national Council of absence with a very good result. However, the trade Union network in the Parliament is since the options from the 20. October more thinned out, than was to be expected. The newly appointed national Council is one of only about 10 to 15 members, which can be attributed to the trade Union environment in the course. Responsible for a large number of mostly involuntary Disposals:

Deselected trade unionists are : In the Canton of Berne met with the SP-national councils Corrado Pardini (Unia) and Adrian Wüthrich (travail Suisse), two leading Swiss employee representatives. Their fate Philipp Hadorn ( SP ) shares of the transport Union SEV. Were voted out Nicolas Rochat Fernandez (SP) of the Canton of Vaud, the Unia, and Thomas Ammann (CVP, SG), Vice-President of Transfair. Jacques-André Maire (SP, NE), finally, Vice President of travail Suisse, resigns voluntarily.

Newly elected trade unionists : in addition to the SGB, President of the Maillard Catherine Prelicz-Huber the most important trade Union newcomer. The Zurich-based Green, which was from 2008 to 2011, once the national Council, serves as President of the trade Union SSP / VPOD. The new Ticino national councillor Greta Gysin, also a Green, working for the trade Union Transfair. The Berne’s young socialist, Tamara Funiciello, the Unia is connected.

re-elected unionists : The national Council Barbara Gysi (SP, SG), the President of the Federal personnel Association, TransFair’s President, Stefan Müller-altermatt (CVP, SO) and the Green Irène Kälin, President of the work of Aargau were confirmed. The re-election were also Samira Marti (SP, BL), the Chairman of the VPOD-section of the Region of Basel, as well as Mathias Reynard (SP, VS) and Edith Graf-Litscher (SP, TG) from the Valais or the Thurgau trade Union Confederation. Some of the others re-elected are connected with the Commercial organizations of their own cantons – which of course also applies to some of the Assignor.

Once-nearly two dozen

The trade unions are so far removed from the strength of its best days. After the elections of 2003, the trade Union newspaper “Work listed” the ten newly-Elected, were, among other things, for Smuv, VPOD, Comedia and the trade Union communication. And successful Previous found in the political-trade Union heavyweights such as Ernst Leuenberger, Paul Rechsteiner, Jean-Claude Rennwald, as well as, at the time, Pierre-Yves Maillard. According to census observers on up to two dozen members of the Council, the trade Union axis members.

“I’m not Worried about that. In the elections of the climate, and women’s issues were simply not important,” Pierre-Yves Maillard, President of the Confederation of trade unions. Photo: Peter Schneider (Keystone)

The current shape, that seems all the more remarkable, as the unions did act in the last two years, as a clock. Without a strict Veto against a loosening of job protection, the Federal Council would probably long ago, the framework agreement with the EU. And only just succeeded them, together with the employers ‘ Association with a view to reform to develop a proposal for occupational Pension funds. So why now the Punishment at the ballot box?

The loss of Pardini and Wüthrich was due to proportional pitch, i.e. in the case of the social Democrats. In Bern, the SP with a women and a men entered the list, with the woman list of distinctive section better. So the young socialist, Tamara Funiciello managed not to at the end of the election, while it was enough for two previous men. The Berne Union Confederation criticized the gender separation according to the choice prompt as an error. It was “a big disadvantage”, that particular Pardini could not make his influence in Parliament to claim it.

“Salonsozis” instead of workers?

unflattering statements come from a political opponent. “Academics and salon socialists” would be voted out of office would be for the SP boost, trade unionists and labour representatives on the other hand, etched SVP strategist Christoph Blocher last week in an Interview. On the tele Blocher, he put it later: “high school leavers” who have no idea of life, would supersede the representatives of the workers, i.e. those “who from the Morning until the evening”.

“Do not Worry me”

That the electorate of the SP majority, no longer comes from the working class, that, in the meantime, especially the well-educated and earning, you select is known. Whether the removal of a prominent trade unionist, is a Symptom of this change, however, remains open. In the case of all Affected political-specific-mathematical reasons – not to mention the fact that instead of embossed Union issues of the climate-change campaign.

“Perhaps it is due to our Successes, that our topics are of interest to less” Philipp Hadorn,abgewählter trade unionists. Photo: Alessandro della Valle (Keystone)

The trade unionists Maillard, Wüthrich and Hadorn want to anyway, don’t know about their associations SP have internally lost its importance. “I’m not Worried about that. In addition to the climate and the woman question in these elections is important,” says Maillard. Also Philipp Hadorn believes that a large part of the SP close to the feel of the trade unions. A little thoughtful the results of votes for him from the 20. October yet. “Most people don’t have to worry in the country to the livelihood that they enjoy a certain level of prosperity is to the credit of the trade Union movement. Maybe it is due to our own success to that of our themes are of less interest.”

Created: 27.10.2019, at 19:29