A woman wants after a night of drinking in a bar fight. It enters the victim against the head and the belly, as it is already on the ground. In this fictitious example, the perpetrator receives an unconditional prison sentence. Before the commencement of these checks by the enforcement authority, how big is the risk of relapse of the woman. A Software, the “Fast-Screening Tool” will classify you as A -, B – or C-case. Here, a case is considered to be safe, in a C-case, the risk of relapse deepened will be clarified.

The division is part of the risk-based sanctions enforcement (ROS). Of him, the cantons hope to achieve improved cooperation of authorities and institutions, and a closer monitoring of convicted persons in prison. The objective: The risk of relapse is minimized. For the first time to use ROS in 2010 came as a pilot project in the cantons of Zurich, Thurgau, Lucerne, and St. Gallen. Since the end of 2018, all of the Swiss German cantons are in the process.

Lack of resources

The authorities investigate to find out what brings a Person to break the law. According to the office for judicial enforcement of Zurich, which handles the Administration of ROS, there is a Central question: What must change so that this Person comes in conflict with the law? The management authority sets up interviews, arranges educational programs or therapies, to change the behavior of the Convicted positive. The new method to be implemented, it professionals – however, this is not the case everywhere. Offers learning programmes in prisons are not simply Standard.

The Benjamin Brägger, Secretary of the penitentiary concordat of North West and Central Switzerland are confirmed. He says that it needs more resources. “The institutions are in the implementation of the law enforcement planning with ROS less, many operations are standardized.” The necessary interventions, quiet lift, it need qualified personnel, both from the legal, the forensic such as the social area. However, it is lacking especially in smaller cantons. “This will deal with the broadcasters for some time.”

time – and personnel-intensive

The two psychologists, law-psychology Leena Hässig and Tanja Gysi ROS welcome. They note, however, that implementation is associated with a lot of effort and it doesn’t go without well-trained staff. ROS provides that in the case of an increased risk of relapse together, it is decided which measures are for the affected Person in a law enforcement sense, for example, a therapeutic Intervention. “One tries, the protective factors to tap into,” says Hässig.

Specifically, is in search of factors that influenced the behavior is positive, for example, the victim empathy. To meet “the requirements of ROS, are a differentiated training and clinical experience necessary,” says Hässig. The professional field of psychologists with a specialist title in law, psychology, and a therapist’s training are well-established, however, only – accordingly, little suitable qualified personnel there.


ROS made on several occasions for criticism. For particularly violent reactions this summer provided a SRF post, denounced the opaque Software of the “Fast-Screening Tool”. Also, in principle, criticism was loud With the risk analysis to create a false sense of security. Offenders would übertherapiert. The justice focusing more and more on the offender and his personality and less on his act.

“The demand for safety has grown in importance.”Benjamin Brägger, Secretary of the penitentiary concordat of North West and Central Switzerland

Also, attorney Stephen Bernard, who is concerned with penal law, observed this trend. It’ll go in this direction. “ROS is just another piece of the mosaic.” Everything will be assessed, the persons in prison is constantly controlled and misconduct is punished.

Benjamin Brägger defended the risk-based sanctions enforcement. He finds instead that the entire crime is used biography and the assessment of the risk. “The demand for safety has grown in importance.” In the reintegration of offenders getting stronger, working on relapse prevention than earlier. This could partially be at the expense of social Integration.

Created: 28.10.2019, 18:42 PM