Many of you have heard that wind turbines are dangerous to animals. For example, in Germany wind turbine blades is estimated to kill each year up to 100 000 birds. It is quite a lot.

the Birds the wind power plant deaths in the story presented, in particular wind power are opposed to parties. Figures do not lie, but the scale they don’t tell you anything. It’s supposed to.

the German environmental agency Bundesamt für Naturschutz estimates that the size of the die in Europe estimates that about 90 million birds to just the window glass.

the moral of the Story is that we think either intuitively or consciously.

Intuition is the thinking of the subconscious charm. It is based on experience and is super fast. Intuition is in many of the rapid situation awareness to think about a better advisor.

But the exact result as not getting. Thus, 100 000 wind turbines kill birds sounds brain automatically processed by quick thinking on the huge amount.

Conscious thought is a heavier and consume energy.

Intuition based on impressions, to know Turku university psychology associate professor Johanna Enso .

– Intuition of the problem is that then we are completely exposed from the information processing vinoumiin, which can lead to poor or incorrect practices. Our thinking is based on the ”primingia”, i.e. those things that are uppermost in the mind, colored by the following observation.

the Conscious thinking is carried out when the things are taken consciously clear. It is slow, but accurate. Finally, conscious thinking follows from the exact result.

Conscious thought is a heavier and consume energy. Hard thinking during the brain’s working memory is filled pinnistelyn of. The Finnish matriculation examination or a license engineer driving the kind of thinking session after the people is downright exhausted.

that’s Why we are designed so that opt we often intuition. Intuitiossa has a better power-efficiency, because evolution favors anything that saves energy and requires less effort. Intuition is a very fast way of working and it is useful, for example life threatening situations.

This isn’t about who is better. Both are needed. Yes, people is inherent also in the case of the figure of Johanna Enso said.

window glass colliding to cause far more bird deaths each year than wind turbine blades colliding. Stock.AOPMiettimällä image against

Intuition is an advantage in situations where the is not available with full certainty. Our brains are shaped so that little vajavaisillakin information we will achieve a worthy outcome.

we Anticipate a variety of situations based on historical experience. We track how often something happens and we try to assess that likelihood. People is quite good to assess the probability of their occurrence are.

for Example, hunger and toilet during an emergency we know how to those unfamiliar to the city in the judging as well as a restaurant of that bathroom to find most likely by going to the nearest shopping center.

so we Make a conclusion based on what we have previously experienced. We also get our images and we believe the stories, even if we would not have any idea how this chain of events really goes.

If we understand how intuition works, decisions can be influenced.

Johanna Enso remind you that intuition is not much you can do.

– Whenever we hear the words, speech or something else, the memory works so that your information and knowledge base are activated automatically. We are always vulnerable to potential distortions and vinoumille, but we’re at their mercy. If we want to take the extra time to think, so vinoumien action can be stopped.

for Example, in the united states was noted at the time that the police fired more vulnerable to dark-skinned towards. It was a stereotype based on bias. It was taken to repair it, that the police were invited to think about it consciously before the shooting. A few milliseconds of contemplation, save, possibly, human lives.

Between the should take thinking time out

Brain decisions can affect, also a master’s in psychology Thomas Leistin from fresh dissertation (you move to another service).

at the university of Helsinki on Thursday argued Leisti want to be aware of the research is to figure out what the significance of the conscious thinking is when the intuition of the importance of talking about so much. He came to the conclusion that conscious of thinking through the intuitive process can be brought under control.

Leisti said that if decisions are made intuitively, but we understand how intuition works, decisions can be influenced.

a Good example is the job-search situation. Even if the employer reads my CV and do like psychological tests, the applicant the total impression is still intuitive. It is therefore Leistin according to rational process.

If we understand the intuitive process, so we can rule out such things, which are not relevant to the assessment. If we know though, that we have prejudices, we can close them off and the attention can be focused on the essential matters such as work experience.

but the effort it requires. Pure intuition the impressions in your head much easier.

It is really heavy especially if they are intuitive impressions are really powerful. It is psychologically heavy to go in search of information, which are intuition against. Have as if not to your opponent.

the Same intuition of understanding and fighting help, say, in the store. People tend to make impulse purchases just a momentary feel-good feeling in order to get.

It is that stops in that moment to think, do I need this right now and I use this. It is able to take a time out and think, is this really necessary, master’s degree in psychology Tuomas Leisti said.

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All stress is not bad – eustress to help succeed and that can deliberately add

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