With martial words, proclaimed US President Donald Trump on Sunday, the end of the IS-leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The world looked to Washington, where it was time to celebrate for once instead of Chaos and Impeachment-the dispute a success, from the virtually all benefit. It was trump’s glorious Moment, and he celebrated the strike against the IS as a victory of his strategy.

The procedure in the area of conflict, Syria had submitted to the US President in the last few weeks a lot of criticism, not only from the Opposition, but especially from his closest associates and of his most faithful supporters in the Senate: Trump the allies Kurds in the lurch left and weakened the U.S. Position in the Region.

All the best, says Trump now. For the US President’s successful operation against Baghdadi was a successful example of how he imagines the hunt for terrorists: Other powers of the Region and to U.S. backup forces to make targeted interventions in order to bring the villains down. At least last Saturday the on and the series went behind him closed.

“Baghdadi died like a coward”: Trump proclaims the death of the ISIS leader. Video: AP

Senator Lindsey Graham, who had criticized the withdrawal of U.S. troops, most of all, gave to “The Atlantic” purified. He understood now, what the President had in mind. He wanted to reduce the cost of their own footprint diminish – and rightly so.

the Other is to fight the IS and the re-rise of the Caliphate to prevent. Let others do the dirty work, the lives of their troops on the game. The US observed from a distance and intervene where necessary, as the idea.

In the future it will not be possible

U.S. experts believe that this is a bad strategy: The success on Saturday was, therefore, not a result of trump’s decisions of the last couple of weeks, on the contrary, these have aggravated the special use, such as high-level military and intelligence representatives of the “New York Times” and the “Washington Post” said. It is a victory, in spite of Trump, the result of a months-long search and was lucky that it all worked out in spite of the troops to retreat to the access.

IS-terror chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has blown up in a US attack in the air. He tore three of his children with death.

U.S. Diplomat Richard Haass sees the special mission against Baghdadi as the irony of trump’s Plan. Without U.S. troops in Syria, without the information of the intelligence services and without the help of the Syrian Kurds, the use would not have been possible, as he told the New York Times.

in the Future, such targeted strikes should not be possible. Because of this there is a need for a military presence, allies, and intelligence services. In all of these pillars Trump saws enormous. His forces wants to bring the US President to go home. The allies, he pushed so solid in front of the head, and by his secret services, Trump is not usually much.

No trusted protection

Also, former CIA agents warn in the “Washington Post” in front of trump’s Plan: It’s been months, if not years, to take allows, to build a network, such access to terrorists. For a successful Mission, there is a need for information of agents and allies, there is a need for time, analytical work and patience. With a retreat from the critical areas, you’ll lose these advantages. The success against Baghdadi was great, but also a clear sign of the troop presence, not to dismantle, as long as the IS remains a threat.

Trumps strategy would Rise only if there were power in the Region and a trusted protection. For the experts this is not the case, the Turkey had only interest in it to replace the Kurds in Northern Syria by Syrian refugees. Syria have so far proved unable to combat the IS effective and contributes much to the Distress of the population, on the basis of radicalism could spread. And Russia is not an ally of the USA and it will never be, such as defence and terrorism expert, William Wechsler says.

Trump informed on Sunday for the best television of the time, use against IS-chief Baghdadi. Picture: Reuters

the United States, however, have a troop presence in the war-torn country: The protection of the Syrian oil Fields, Trump has been ordered but again, the tank units to the North of Syria. This shows what the US government, criticized the New York Times: Spectacular operations against the terrorists, from the safe distance planned, as well as securing the resources that you want to use yourself. The former Mission, to help other countries in building democracy, to be lost, the USA would look like a Power, the other countries just want to exploit it.

to protect at Least The oil Fields, is also from a non-American point of view. The Oil is an important source of revenue for terrorists and could accelerate the resurrection of the IS.

Too much

doubt tell, there is not only about whether such missions will be like the one against Baghdadi in the future, but also about how to use the Saturday delivery really. Trump described how he had followed the hunt for Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi live.

As a movie it was. It is now clear that in Washington, only drones, recordings without sound were available, the Details of the martial described suicide of the IS leader have been handed down to the U.S. President from a third party site.

Trump pursued the use in the White house. Picture: Reuters

The eight helicopters to Idlib from started according to the US President on Iraq, on the way, they were fired on, at the destination, there were battles, the forces blew up the doors and chased the IS the leader with dogs. Trump announced at the media conference, many of the Details of the use, to many, like Michael head says the Charge in 2011, during the Am-Mission, the US Anti-terrorist unit headed. The information about the number of helicopters, as these were flying in, what did the US troops about the situation on the ground, which is not normally given to price, since it could help the enemies in future missions, criticized the head.

Trump thanked Russia

in addition to the use was ready to Trump on Sunday a lot of praise for friend and foe. The U.S. President praised his soldiers and military dogs which had hunted the IS-leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s death, but he also thanked the foreign powers in Syria, which should have made the USA out of the way. Trump praised Russia, he praised Turkey and Iraq, because they were the eight helicopters of the U.S. military’s going to happen, even though the U.S. kept the Mission a secret.

That a US President of Russia so thanks, gave it to probably never, wrote “The Atlantic”.

at the same time Trump was reported to be against the EU, which in Syria is a big disappointment and no help at all. The IS terrorists could travel to Europe, but not in the USA. And yet, the US now had the threat of troops eliminated.

On the outskirts Trump also thanked the Kurds, who have also supplied some information. The Kurdish General was the help, however, as a five-month joint Mission, you have supplied the USA a lot of notes. And deserves extra praise, let the Kurds show.

Too much

reveal a Little less praise, however, would have been Russia right. It does not believe the U.S. details of the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, anyway. The leader of the ISIS terrorist militia had already been declared dead, it said in a statement from the Russian Ministry of defense.

For Moscow are fuelling “no reliable information”, instead there is conflicting information on what “doubt … in the success of the American Operation”.

Baghdadi hid in the plant at the top of the image.

The USA are sure, however, as in the Reports on the two-hour use is reported. Experts have DNA samples of the ISIS leader, which were compared to the self-murder with the Remains. So you have to be able to confirm that it was Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. In addition, the forces returned the Remains of the terrorist leaders of the Mission.

Trump will be his thing for sure. In the Impeachment-the vortex of this impact comes against the IS to the the right time, the success of which he will use in his election campaign. So how did Barack Obama in 2011 after the killing of Osama Bin Laden. In the polls, the Democrat received only short term boost, his popularity sank again. However, the re-election made Obama a year later, the well known problems – for once, the predecessor to Trump is likely to be, in this respect, a great role model. (anf)

Created: 28.10.2019, 12:19 PM