Achieving the government’s 75 per cent employment objective? Where is snatched tens of thousands of new jobs. How the heck the trick done?

the Finnish entrepreneurs tell you the answer to a recent student survey on the basis of.

the Message is: Finland needs more new, young entrepreneurs. Either continue retiring entrepreneurs to work or set up entirely new businesses.

We are clearly running a big generational change the company field. The aging population also appear on the entrepreneur in the municipality. In the next few years will move a lot of entrepreneurs retire, and their work needs to be a constant, the Finnish entrepreneurs in the digital and educational affairs chief Joonas Pulse said.

First, paid work, only then an entrepreneur

according to the Report, every third high school student would like to after graduating to become an entrepreneur. Fewer people, however, finally ventured to become an entrepreneur. Only a fifth of survey respondents reported it attaches to the entrepreneur’s occupational choice is likely. Traditionally, first you go to employment after graduation.

but the yes youth and students interest towards entrepreneurship has strengthened markedly in a couple of ten years, Joonas Pulse tell.

becoming an entrepreneur to attract especially the opportunity to decide independently of the work, and at the same time the opportunity to realize themselves. Pulse estimates that young people’s attitudes have generally changed entrepreneurship respect for.

young people’s attitudes towards entrepreneurship have changed since the earlier, more positive. AOPKorkeakoulusta skinny lunch entrepreneur

according to the Survey, most entrepreneurs want to that is land and forestry sectors, fields of technology, administration and commerce, and law in the field of study in.

Swedish-speaking and non-Finnish or Swedish mother tongue, they consider entrepreneurship to attract than the Finnish language. Men want more of an entrepreneur than a woman.

Only 14 percent of students assessed in high school studies give a good ability to act as an entrepreneur. Joonas pulse of view, this is even a surprisingly small amount.

– in Other words, high schools are not able to adequately respond to this students ‘ increased interest in entrepreneurship, i.e. the high schools is in the mirror look of the place, the Pulse will interpret.

the federation of Finnish Enterprises and education and training for research foundation survey answered as many as over 14 000 students.

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