the holidays make you happy. This is not just a feeling but a demonstrable fact. The Dutch tourism researcher Jeroen Nawijn has measured this happiness and a “holiday happiness curve” found At the beginning of the break, not much happened. However, after two, three days, the mood improved significantly and reached a peak very soon. This is the good news. The bad news is that, According to Nawijn, the happiness curve then falls again sharply. Even before the end of the holiday.

The Dutch psychologist Jessica de Bloom, who teaches at the University of Tampere in Finland, debunks the myth that long holidays are necessary in order to be able to switch off properly. According to her, the holiday starts the effect to fade already after a week, and after about a month he is gone. And no matter how long the vacation lasted. The conclusion from this realization, Rather a number of times in the year, a shorter vacation would be: as long. So you can benefit from at least a number of times from the recovery effect.

The right preparation for the time after the holidays begins, according to Ilona Bürgel before the holidays. Many thought, says psychologist and book author out of Dresden before the holidays, when everything had to be weggearbeitet. The lead, however, to Stress, the active in the vacation into it. If we are hauling to a lot of Stress from the everyday life with in the holiday, we will make the positive effects, dashed: First, we do not turn off properly; then we have before the end of the holiday again with the upcoming tasks. However, it helps, before leaving the Desk and clean the apartment. You then come back with a better feeling of the holidays.

Just chilling brings nothing

The second stage follows during the holidays: Carmen Binnewies, Professor of work psychology at the University of Münster, has shown that too much chilling out brings nothing, but that it is particularly soothing and restful to learn something New or a project to implement. Because the appropriate use of own resources for the new requirements will be rewarded with well-being. You can do sports. Words in a new language to learn. Paint landscapes. Snorkeling. Mountains to climb.

Many people think that if you were during the holidays reachable, then the Stress was after the holidays of small.

“More than a third of all employees in Switzerland, business is also answered in the holiday E-Mails and phone calls”, it means in health promotion Switzerland. This is fatal, because “the constant, often self-willed accessibility prevents of the holiday can serve as a time of Regeneration”. Many holiday makers think that if you Mail during the holidays by phone, SMS, Whatsapp and E-achievable, then the Stress after the holidays is smaller. That is, according to Ilona Bürgel is a mistake: New research had proved that the mere presence of a mobile phone, Stress create.

Who is my, also in the vacation not without electronic communication to get along, you should at least determine fixed times, but not as the First not to go in the Morning, Last before bed, and not more than one hour per day, says Bürgel. As a preventive measure necessarily an absence note up should be switched on, in which the competent Deputy is named, and it is clearly communicated that E-Mails will only be processed after the holidays.

Shopping, computer games, food or alcohol are considered as means to free themselves quickly from the Stress. This is incorrect, says Barbara Fredrickson, Professor of psychology at the University of North Carolina. Because there is a risk that the need to increase the dose continually to achieve the desired effect was. Fredrickson advises, Meaningful to the company, to devote about the family, or friends, or a charitable endeavor, to take a course or read books. Particularly helpful in Outdoor activities, the Swiss psychologist Andi Zemp, an expert on Burn-out and stress-related disorders, says.

arrive Who will return only on Sunday evening and on Monday morning in the work to crash there, exhausted and stressed.

the holidays Are to an end, there are a few ways to make your effect a bit longer to stop. To start with, you should build in a buffer: those Who return home only on Sunday evening and on Monday morning in the working crashes, is there arrive all stressed out and exhausted. Better you come home from work on Friday, because there is still work waiting for bags to unpack, wash, Mail to sort, bills to pay.

Or the first working day on a Wednesday or Thursday, as Andi Zemp advises. So you can settle in and the most important task done without having a whole week of work to complete. A To-do list, helps, Important, and to separate the Urgent from the unimportant, not to forget anything and to avoid unnecessary Stress.

A stress factor is the flood of E-Mails. This one works best from the front to the rear, because the vast majority of Mails, do known to be from yourself, especially if you are already a bit older. Messages that are not used, should immediately be deleted; the rest of it is catalogued according to whether action is required or the execution can wait for a bit.


Souvenirs are not a priori Kitsch. The happiness research says according to psychologist Bürgel, small memories of beautiful eyes, the continuation of the good condition in everyday moments and serve. Not a huge accumulation of souvenir, there are a few significant items or images that remind you of the highlights of the holiday. A small reminder should be put on the worktop, or choose a holiday image as your Desktop Background.

culinary holiday can be extended by nachkocht food from the holidays of the country or in a relevant Restaurant food goes. In addition, it can help, “occupations or habits from the holidays, after the beginning of the work continue,” says psychologist Zemp. Jogging, for example, in the Morning, to read in the evening. So you can save something from the holiday feel into everyday life over. And on the next holiday to look forward to. (Travel content)

Created: 16.10.2019, 21:55 PM