In the next April, is to occupy the Presidium of the currently most successful party of Switzerland. the Regula Rytz , President of Green , your office on this point, as the “Sunday newspaper” reported yesterday. Not because it would be her spoiled, but because their term of office is limited to eight years. Rytz and Adèle Thorens were elected in 2012 as a Co-President to the top of the Green, since 2016 Rytz is there for you alone.

“It would be nice if we had a woman as President,” says the Basler national councillor Sibel Arslan. It absolutely was from your point of view but. Not only the Greens, other parties would have a duty to pay attention to a balanced ratio of the sexes.

The Geneva national councillor Lisa Mazzone says a man as the President is not excluded. Finally, the same number of women are in the Green so far as men were, the equality part of their history. The Greens were in 1985 with Monica Zingg the first party President of the Swiss Confederation. The Aargauer national councillor Irène Kälin would prefer a Co-presidency – a man and a woman, Western Switzerland and German-speaking Switzerland. But also, you could explain to a man agree.

But, If a man of party President would be so Green as Lisa Mazzone, say it is imperative that the Federal house group vorstünde a woman. For you, it is inconceivable that, as in the case of the SP, the party and the group will be chaired by a man. “The SP has not benefited in this woman of the year, because at the top of the party and the group is a man,” says national Councilor Balthasar Glättli.

Currently, Glättli in front of the group. The Greens will not perform in the spring, but only in General elections for the party Presidium, but also for the group. Glättli of the members of Parliament the Only one who openly says that the party Presidium irritating asked: “I can’t imagine the office as the President well.” He would be elected, would be the presidency for a woman free.

men in the minority

The Greens are in the promotion of women other parties a step ahead. While these are trying more or less seriously, the percentage of women to those of men align, need to pay attention to the Green already to the fact that the men have the same opportunities as the women: Of the 28 members of the newly-elected group in the national Assembly, 17 women and 11 men. Thus, the proportion of women is 61 per cent, practically the same as in the SP-62 per cent.

Green-party-President Regula Rytz assigns, group President Balthasar Glättli shows interest in their succession. Photo: Keystone

According to the Win the past elections – the group is growing from 11 to 28 seats – is the choice for the Bureau is large: From the Previous Lisa Mazzone, Aline Trede, or the Zurich Bastien Girod or Balthasar Glättli question about. Vice-President Florence Brenzikofer, which could move up to Maya Graf, will be called should this Councillor of state.

It would also be conceivable that a the New would follow Rytz – finally, she was only a few months of the national Council, she was Co-President. A lot of experience about the earlier Zug, member of the cantonal government, Manuela bring Weichelt-Picard, with or Marionna Schlatter Schmid, the President of the Zurich Green. Lisa Mazzone, and Bastien Girod’t want to comment yet as to whether she should run – not close it. Weichelt-Picard, who is represented as the first woman of the Canton of Zug in Bern, says, you need after the intense election campaign cooling-off period.

sex is important

The gender’s not however the only criterion in the case of Rytz’ successor. The Greens, who were able to grow in the Romandie strong, also need to be on a balance between the language regions of the mind. Today, already, Bureau, three of the six members of the Vice from the Romandie and three are from German-speaking Switzerland. Three women and three men. In the end, when everything else is voice, so Glättli says, you would weights but the sex is stronger than the language of the region. Mandatory was that it was someone from the National or Council of States.

In December, the Board of Directors of the Green a search Committee. This will take nominations from the cantons, as well as direct applications. From the Commission’s proposals, the delegates are on 28. In March, the Bureau order.

Created: 28.10.2019, 12:36 PM