It does not pass a summer in the American new England, in which not the Spielberg classic “jaws” flickers in the local Open-Air cinema on the canvas. Characters, dialogues and film music, are a cult, the Film belongs just as much to the US East coast culture, such as the lobster rolls Lobster Roll – after all, Amity, the fictional seaside town from the movie is located here as well. The island of Martha’s Vineyard, where many scenes for the horror movie were filmed, is a Mecca for film freaks.

you can take today from Martha’s Vineyard to the mainland, you will reach there, where the great White shark, currently increasingly as nowhere else in the world; to the Cape Cod. The hook-shaped semi-lures island in the state of Massachusetts with sandy beaches, picturesque fishing villages, a seafood-dominated cuisine and now also with the real Chance to catch a glimpse of the most notorious of all shark species.

headlines such as “the beach after a shark sighting are still locked” or “shark in seal hunting are observed” in the regional media for some time on a regular basis. Since the Atlantic White shark in the waters of Massachusetts in 2005, under protection, until then, he was allowed to be hunted, the population recovered solid.

the return of the sharks was Favoured above all by the strong growth of the seal population in the Region – the seals are the number 1 on the dining plan for the sea robber. Already in 1972, under protection, have increased the seals in the coastal areas of the Cape in recent years at a record pace. And where it has prey, it also has hunters.

sought-after Haifutter: The seal. Photo: Unsplash

While the White shark in the cult movie from 1975, the protagonists and the audience in fear and terror-stricken, meet the inhabitants of the coastal area up to six meters long animal today with respect, but also with curiosity. Reports from fishermen and boat trippers on the meetings with the imposing Predator make plenty of the round. What would have earlier as a sailor’s yarn be dismissed, is not evidenced today in the Form of phone recordings only, but also in the Internet.

While the Surf-Shop owner on Cape Cod, understandably, about declining sales complain about pay, have recognized the local authorities, the tourist potential of the new guest immediately. The talk is now of “Shark-onomics”, a veritable shark-tourism, the oil in the regional economic engine.

Though it came in the summer of 2018 on Cape Cod for the first fatal incident with a great White shark since 1936, the people continue to be on prevention rather than panic. Information boards have in the Parking lots to the beaches on the shark activity and vigilant lifeguards keep an eye on the Situation. The beaches were more “installed First Aid Kits” and affected municipalities to offer First aid courses specific to the rapid supply of heavily bleeding wounds are aligned.

For the safety of onlookers to the beaches after shark stay-sightings again and again for days, for the floating operation is locked. Be visited it nevertheless, or just therefore. To literally cool off just a few, and if, then only short car anyway in the season – because even in high summer the water temperature cracking is only rarely the 19-degree mark.

“Shark-Watching” from the beach

include Conducive for shark tourism is, of course, that the attacks on humans continue to be the exception, the shark sightings but in the meantime, on to the agenda. The tourists spurred on by the Internet-available video footage and the reports of sightings. Thanks to the Sharktivity App, which provides information on reported sightings, know the onlookers exactly which beaches they are most likely from a safe distance with one of these impressive animals can catch. The App has already been downloaded over 200’000 times down.

Resourceful traders make the attention to the sharks to use. Souvenirs with shark fins and T-Shirts with imprints like “Every Week Is Shark Week at Cape Cod” land in the suitcases of tourists. And instead of “Whale Watching” on Cape Cod, the “Shark Watching” the cash registers ringing.

the tour provider to offer “Shark well known for high quality” and “Great White Watchings” often to proud prices. The “Atlantic White Shark Conservancy” offered more affordable shark expeditions are fully booked in record time and well in advance. In the American East of the great White shark is set to debut 40 years after his screen again on everyone’s lips – not as a Monster, but as a Sensation. (Travel content)

Created: 16.10.2019, 15:38 PM