most of India is called the Canton of Thurgau today, even jokingly. Was created, the term of the editor of the humorous magazine “The Postheiri,” which was published from 1845 to 1875 by the writer Alfred Hartmann. In the sheet called free in 1853 in the Form of a most bulb drawn in the Canton for the first time, “Most India”, sense, but the corruption remained. Even Goethe was lurking from the “Postheiri” unrecognized: “do you Know the Land where the pear tree has sprouted, where turbid the Must flows under the Trotte?”

Now it’s harvest time again in the Canton of Thurgau, especially for Apples. It is the most beautiful time of all the juice artisans, and a reason to celebrate in the works and distillery Möhl in Arbon on lake Constance. The harvest was good this year, it was said. In the affiliated Swiss works – and distillery Museum, Momö you can understand how Apple juice is pressed, through the Fermentation of Apple sparkling wine and cider to be won. In the autumn of last year, Switzerland was opened unique Museum and promptly with the Xavier audience prize.

it is Unique: The works – and distillery Museum Momö in Arbon. Photo: Keystone

Who roams the Canton or the shore line of lake Constance under the Veloräder takes, to see the castles and the culturally and historically significant monasteries in romantic towns. The cantonal museums convey engagement with the Thurgauer history, knowledge of nature, and encounter with contemporary art and culture.

the capital of the Canton of Frauenfeld is equal to two outstanding museums. The Historical Museum in the castle of Frauenfeld shines with excellent views of the city, as well as the presentation of the pearls bishops crown mitre, part of the secret Plan of Pope John XXIII., was arrested in 1415 at the Council of Constance, and fell. Family-friendliness, and Participate in, are written large. “Tap into the image and learn more,” reads the prompt. And at the push of a button, you can hear flight, hearty words about the former eating habits: “The high lords get the cows and the pigs.” The children keep the bellies with Laughter and produce a couple of modest belch.

One of the most beautiful natural history museums in Switzerland

presence and clarity, is also the Credo of the natural Museum Thurgau in Frauenfeld, the Museum of archaeology of Thurgau is connected. Internationally important finds, such as the gold Cup of Eschenz, or the Roman pan flute certainly of great importance. But more exciting is for the most, such as the Seebach valley in front of eleven thousand years ago, as it was from the natural to the cultural landscape. Five – and ten-minute movies offer education, big show-sized bas-Reliefs with the Wolf, the forest and man, as it was then could have been. The Museum is considered to be one of the most beautiful natural history museums in Switzerland, is already winner of the Prix Expo, and nominated for the European Museum of the year.

Exotic: The Napoleon Museum in Arenenberg in Salenstein. Photo: Keystone

The popular Napoleon Museum Arenenberg and its castle and Park, whether sale stone on the submarine, the Bonaparte family was once used as an exile residence, occupied, however, as it is outside the Canton and the country border looked like. Today belongs to the Canton of Thurgau and is presented in it’s original condition. The collection to the memory of the Bonaparte family, shows the living culture of the First and of the Second French Empire, furniture, and historical objects of Napoleon I, the Empress Eugenie, the Queen Hortense and her son, Napoleon III, the last Emperor of France. He spent with his mother, the youth on the arenas of the mountain. Hortense coined the property with her for Thurgauer conditions exotic Parisian Savoir-vivre in a sustainable way.

at every Season of the lake of Constance ask something magical, and all of the strolling in the shore area of Kreuzlingen,: What hides behind the walls of the pretty lake Museum will display live? Although the lake has long lost its importance as a transport route, are here told the history and present of navigation and fishing on the lake of Constance. Recently, the Museum underwent an extensive Renovation, the smell of freshly polished wood is still in the air. War and marine, there was at that time, steam sailing ships, extruded load-sailing vessels, and motor vessels plowed between 1880 and 1914, with the higher folks on Board through the waves.

In co-operation of the Sunday newspaper and Thurgau tourism

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Created: 13.09.2019, 17:47 PM