For Vegans, it is probably a difficult-to-digest headlines: According to a survey, you are more likely to be depressed than people who eat animal products. The animal rights organization “animal in focus” interviewed around 2500 vegans, and Vegans in the German – speaking part of Switzerland-and the scene for the first time comprehensively analyzed. Health you are with a vegan diet tends to be better, were the majority. On the mental health of the is, however, not so. Nine percent reported suffering from depression – nearly twice as many as in the total population.

The Numbers are, of course, to be treated with caution. They are based on self-assessments, and a lot of people that suffer from depression, without making a distinction between depressive symptoms or clinical Depression – a significant difference. Also, it is a correlation that can be interpreted in different ways. Maybe depressed people to turn a latent, rather, the vegan , because they hope to get relief. In addition, the proportion of women among the respondents, with 79 per cent and women have a higher risk for depression.

Out of concern and feelings of Helplessness

Crucial is likely to be something else: most of The respondents have chosen, for ethical reasons for veganism out of compassion for the suffering creatures, out of concern for the environment and climate, which speaks for a special sensitivity and sensibility. The thought of the industrialised cruelty of innocent creatures is in fact devastating.

a feeling of powerlessness to change anything, and the Frustration to come, with which thoughts the majority of people lack on these facts across sets. Yes, even makes fun of those that don’t is all most over, but the change your way of life active, because you don’t want to be responsible for this cruelty.

Such feelings of powerlessness are not found but only in the case of vegans. Also under the climate they are widely used moving far, because here, too, the situation seems to be Despair: Even those who omitted on any flight, travel or self-catering on a farm, and neither the train nor the car used, will change on this global Problem, nothing fundamental.

We must acknowledge that there are things, the influence in our Power.

On policy measures to raise taxes on kerosene or prohibit short-haul flights, we have in Switzerland as voting and eligible to vote a certain influence. Crucial, however, is the behavior of China, India, the USA and Africa will be. The Paradox is that the climate sensitivity for many people, is triggered only by Concerns about the future of their children.Children, pollute the environment, ultimately, only. A Vicious Circle.

so we Have only the choice between “don’t give a Fuck mentality” and Depression? There is also the pragmatic approach: focus on what you can change about your own behavior – what Vegans do. In addition, we must acknowledge that there are things, the influence in our Power. A serene acceptance of this Fact and an arm’s length distance to inflationary apocalyptic predictions of the future can help. Because first of all, we know that we know nothing. And secondly, it is anyway different than you think.

Created: 26.08.2019, 14:04 PM