Sergio Mattarella pushes the amount of time for the compilation of a new government in Rome. He gave the potential partners from the social democratic opposition party, the PD and the Five star movement to a few on Monday thus one more day time, on a coalition.

Mattarella, has referred to in Italy’s political environment, as well as “referee”, receives from Tuesday (16 hrs) in Rome, all the parliamentary groups, the possibilities for an alternative government from the populist Five-star movement and the social Democrats (PD) to explore.

the Alliance could, theoretically, lead again, the previous head of the government, Giuseppe Conte, who had filed last week for his resignation.

PD and Five stars continued their talks on Monday. “I am confident that we can reach an agreement, we are on the right path,” said the PD Chairman Nicola Zingaretti after a Meeting with a Five-star Chef Luigi Di Maio. In the evening, the two party leaders met in addition to an interview with the retired head of the government, Giuseppe Conte. The two actually warring parties are in the polls behind the Lega and have little interest in an election in the autumn.

Previous government burst

The previous government of the populist Five-star movement and the radical right-wing Lega interior Minister Matteo Salvini was burst at the beginning of the month. By Salvini-filed motion of no confidence in Conte failed at the resistance of the Five-star movement and the social Democrats in the Senate. Conte resigned yet.

Now the threads are in the search for a new government in the hands of Mattarellas. The deliberations should bring about a coalition to Wednesday is not a solution, before the country in the November election.

This would win the Lega, according to current polls. Salvini saw, therefore, in the negotiations, a conflict to Post, this is against the “silent majority of the Italian people”. (fal/sda)

Created: 27.08.2019, 07:25 PM