After the partial opening of the border to Colombia poured on Saturday, several thousand Venezuelans in the neighboring country. In the Morning thousands of people had gathered at the border bridges connecting the two countries, – there were long queues, such as AFP journalists reported.

for Many Venezuelans hoped to receive in Colombia, food and medicines. At noon had crossed, according to the Colombian migration authorities already 18’000 people of Venezuela from the border, and 8000 from the opposite direction.

container blockade remained

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro are announced on Friday that the border crossings in the state would be opened in Tachira on Saturday. Prior to the border closure in February had crossed to Colombian authorities, around 30’000 people daily, the Simón Bolívar bridge.

the Background of the border closure, uşak escort the attempt of the self-proclaimed transitional President Juan Guaidó to bring out against the will of the government in Caracas, relief goods, mainly from the United States on the Colombian and Brazilian border into the country. Maduro, fearing a pretext for a foreign military invasion. A container blockade to prevent shipments across the border remained also on Saturday there. (scl/sda)

Created: 09.06.2019, 04:47 PM