“Alabama governor approved the abortlag”

“the Law means almost a total ban on the procedure. The only exception would be if the mother’s health is in serious danger or if the fetus has a fatal birth defect. No exceptions exist, for example rape and incest.”

“Abortförespråkare out that such a law will act as a deterrent for health workers, who will hardly dare to carry out even the abortions that continue to be allowed.”

“the Huffington Post, and other media in the united states write to all the 25 delstatssenatorer who voted for the law in Wednesday’s men. But the last signature came from a woman, Kay Ivey.”

“Many oppose abortion also welcomes the forthcoming legal battles. Dozens of other states in the US have introduced or are about to introduce tougher abortregler. Many are open to the goal is to reach the Supreme court, and there to challenge the landmark ruling ”