“Eurovision song contest”

“the Eurovision-employees – death- stuck in the lighting rig.”

“the Son question of production safety measures”

“TEL AVIV. Ljusriggen fell over the driver on the Eurovision song contest.”

“Now he has died of the injuries.”

“– How is it possible with an event of the Eurovision size, with so much money invested, that something this terrible can still happen, ” says the son, in a statement, according to the Times of Israel.”

“A Eurovision-employees injured on Monday when a lighting rig on wheels fell on him in a parking lot next to Eurovision arena in Tel Aviv.”

“the Trucker Fuldi Schwartz, 66, was to unload equipment from a truck when ljusriggen fell right over him. He received serious injuries in the head, damaged the spine, got broken ribs and a punctured lung, said the family, according to the Times of Israel.”

“He was taken in an ambulance to the Ichilov hospital in Tel Aviv for emergency brain surgery, but on Wednesday morning announced the hospital to Fuldi Schwartz died of the injuries.”

“According to the Times of Israel calls into question his family how the Eurovision production managed the security of the arrangement.”

“We are not putting blame on anyone yet, but how is it possible with an event of the Eurovision size, with so much money invested, so much surveillance and security that something this terrible can still happen,” says the son, Erez.”

“Not according to the safety instructions”

“the Police and the authorities have launched an investigation into the arbetsplatsolyckan and according to the Times of Israel suggest early results from the investigation on to ljusriggen had not been handled in accordance with the safety regulations.”

“In a statement regret, the Eurovision organiser EBU death.”

“We are incredibly saddened by the dödsfalelt suffered by the driver who was injured this week when he loaded a truck with technical equipment on the Eurovision-the car park in Tel Aviv. We send our thoughts and condolences to his family,” writes Eurovisionarrangören in a statement.”

“Our priority is always the safety of all involved in the Eurovision song contest and in accordance with our regulations, we are cooperating with the authorities.””