“The governor approves the Alabama abortförbud”

“It prohibits abortion even in rape and incest and allowing doctors who defy the ban could be sentenced to 99 years in prison.”

“this legislation stands as a powerful testament of Alabama-bornas deep conviction that every life is a sacred gift from God,” says the governor.”

“the state Senate in Alabama, said on Wednesday morning, Swedish time, yes to the bill, with the voting figures 25-6.”

Republican Kay Ivey had a week to approve the law or not. She decided already after less than a day.”

” today I wrote under the Alabama Human Life Protection Act, a proposal that is approved with overwhelming majorities in the two legislative assemblies. The proposal’s many supporters are the law as a powerful testament of the Alabama citizens deep conviction that every life is precious and a sacred gift from God, ” said the governor, according to CNN, when the ink dried.”

“the Proposal involves a totalförbjud against abortion in Alabama – even in rape and incest. The only exception applies if there is danger to the woman’s life. Doctors who still perform abortions are at risk 99 years in prison.”

“Democrat Bobby Singleton struggled to get in an addition in the text where the exception for incest and rape, but his proposal was voted down in the senate with the numbers 11 to 21.”

“– You was just an abortion of the state of Alabama. You raped just the state of Alabama with this bill. This is just a shame. It is reprehensible. It is a travesty, ” he said.”

“Among the critics is also evident actor and #metoo-activist Alyssa Milano, who has called for the sexstrejk.”

“– It is about raising the awareness of the issue, we have to take this very seriously, ” says Milan to CNN.”