Pennsvärdet is awarded by the Berättarministeriet. In the explanatory memorandum it says, inter alia, on the Pavlina Spanos creativity, curiosity, and ability to meet each student based on his conditions. ”Pavlina has a sophisticated sense of the pedagogical craftsmanship and has, together with his students built a dynamic classroom where creativity and critical thinking are constantly in focus”, writes the jury.

In her classroom at Enbacksskolan in Tensta are lots of chairs stacked.

“We merged the two classes and now have 43 children on the three teachers,” says Pavlina.

” We had, we had a balance in a classroom and need to decontaminate. But we saw that it was an incredible vinstsituation to all the time be three educators.

The teaching begins with a review and spread out. It can be nivågrupperingar after knowledge, it can be extra help for those children who need to go through something again.

Pavlina Spanos has been working on Enbacksskolan in Tensta in 20 years. Photo: Jonas Lindkvist

– It is a winning concept but it requires very much communication. It took a year, at least, to work up ourselves. Now we give each other lots of feedback, there is always someone looking at you. It makes me more focused and always on your toes.

Pavlina Spanos and her immediate colleagues teaching in the middle school, grades 4 to 6, and then start on with the next batch of fourth graders. She began to work on the Enbacksskolan immediately after teacher training. To the end of the year she has been here for 20 years.

” No, not here, we have many veterans. We have a high number of applicants to the school, välpresterande young people, good parents, a good guidance and I feel that I developed. There is no reason to change jobs.

It is also very good to be able to instead,” according to Pavlina Spanos.

– All know who I am. I have had siblings from the same family in the school and feel parents.

“Oh, that you ask someone else,” says Pavlina Spanos and hold the hands of their blushing cheeks.

Photo: Jonas Lindkvist

But she believes it is all about commitment, to be engaged in very many different issues.

” I’m never satisfied, I want to forward all the time. And I dare say what I am good and bad at – math and naturorienterade subjects are not my strengths. I teach mostly in Swedish and English.

saying that she is good at taking people and establish contact with students – and create security.

Enbacksskolan have a project called Husmodellen and goes out to find out where in and around the school pupils feel unsafe.

– The primary school is afraid of the woods at the school, they call the mördarskogen. Now we have always a guard or break monitor where, in the woods.

, Amor, is all about friendship and conflicts. The one who sees someone who seems alone must take care of it and the intervener in a conflict gets appreciation for it. The parents may know that the learner has been a ”good friend”.

Even if Enbacksskolan – except when it comes to the newcomers – does not have a large turnover of students is the biggest challenge, according to Pavlina Spanos, language.

” We work a lot – always – with the language. It is important for students to dare to have opinions. Right now, we are working with the oral, how to strengthen the language by it.

– So long as it is fun. For a long time.

Enbacksskolan have preschool to ninth grade, and 417 students. A group of primary school students on the way from the dining room stojar around in the school’s entrance. They can be heard, properly.

would you also do. The students work very hard throughout the day, it is fascinating that they can cope all the way up to 14-14.30. They have learned that they feel good that it is quiet in the classroom, ” says Pavlina Spanos.

Read more: the Teacher, Jenny is praised for his teaching: ”She does the little extra”