The German economy-after the near-recession in 2018, thanks to tree boom and buying more joyful consumers on a path of growth. The gross domestic product (GDP) rose from January to March by 0.4 per cent quarter-on-quarter, as the Federal Statistical office announced on Wednesday in a first estimate.

22 polled by Reuters banks-Economists had expected with this Rate. In the second half of the year 2018, the recovery had come to a standstill: In the third quarter, Europe’s largest economy shrank by 0.2 percent. There is a Stagnation in the final was followed by quarter of the year.


“The growth in the first quarter of this year is a first,” said German economy Minister Peter Altmaier to Reuters request. “Nevertheless, there is no reason to sound the all-clear.” The international trade conflicts were finally resolved. “We must continue to do everything that we can quickly find portable solutions that free trade”, – said Altmaier. “Will all benefit.”

Positive impulses came to the beginning of the year, especially from the domestic market. “In buildings and in equipment, significantly more has been invested”, said the statistician. “Also, the private consumption expenditure rose compared to the previous quarter.” The consumption expenditure of the state decreased. “Mixed signals came from the outer economic development, as both exports and imports rose compared to the previous quarter,” it said.

“good Start”

promise “The German economy made a promising Start to the year 2019,” said Germany’s chief economist of UniCredit, Andreas Rees. “For an all-clear, however, it is still too early.” The trade dispute between the United States and China, as well as possible car tariffs could weigh on German exports noticeably. “One could speak of a successful Start-up, if not for the ongoing Worries over an escalating trade war would be,” said DekaBank Economist Andreas Scheuerle.

Despite the robust launch of a weak year 2019: the Federal government and the EU Commission expect GDP to increase by 0.5 percent, after it had passed in 2018 to 1.4 percent. (Dec/sda)

Created: 15.05.2019, 12:11 PM