“An amiable folly, and hubris”

“TEL AVIV. An american version of the Eurovision song contest is a huge challenge.nRen and cut the hubris.nMen if the venture is successful there will be tv history.”

“the Question is why this has not happened sooner.”

“Plans to export the competition and make it more global and has existed for a long time.”

“The asian version seems to be on ice, but to conquer US is greater.”

“It is still the world’s largest market for music and tv.”

“How will it go to? Should, for example, all 50 states are represented in different qualifier with a final event in Los Angeles or New York? How many episodes will be produced? How many contributions should be with?”

“There are about a thousand questions but only two evasive answer:”

“Music with the working title American song contest will hopefully be released in 2021 or 2022 and will be in the ”a season”.”

“the Eurovision song contest is a unique phenomenon, the world’s largest entertainment about music.”

“To introduce the concept to a country that is a world leader on just entertainment,show and pop may seem self-evident.”

“But the issue is whether the culture that the EBU based ESC on import to the united states without the race fundamentally changed.”

“the Broadcast must forthwith maintain at least the same class as when the ESC was held in Stockholm in 2016. Everything else is dorky, strange, and embarrassing, given the range and quality on the other side of the Atlantic.”

“It will, just as the promoters say during today’s press conference, to be something completely different.”

“And the success is not directly given.”

“The u.s. market has very different rules and requirements. The Public service has a modest status and role. Money, or the lack of them, will control the content even more.”

“It is not easy to take place and challenge the largest lekprogrammen and sporting events in the united states, in this case, had someone else done it on a large scale for a long time ago.”

“But at the same time, an american version of absolutely other stars, songwriter, unknown talent and established names than what is usually seen in the ESC.”

“the Audience will probably not need to sit and ask ”who is that?” exactly as many times during the broadcasts.”

“the Requirement that the music must be stronger and better is of course the most important. Otherwise, everything has to be a very short ”howdy”. “

“There are certainly more than the 99 problems that must be solved in order to a American song contest should work, but the amiable folly is not one of them.”

“If American song contest will be equal in the united states as the ESC is in Europe, the map for music and television entertainment need to be redrawn and replacing the hard disk drive. “

“Without hubris will be nowhere. “