He signed a contract with Hammarby on 4 January when he turned 18. After two starter in that league and some races became Kossounou Odilon last week ready for the belgian side Club Brugge.

price Tag: over 40 million that could grow to 50 million with various bonuses included.

– as far As I understand it, it may be the third greatest transition of all time in Sweden after him (Alexander) and Zlatan, if Odilon play matches for Brugge and bonuses is ticking. So it’s staggering, ” says Odilons agent Patrick Dark.

has become a cornerstone of the league clubs ‘ economies. Last year sold the clubs players for a total of 352 million.

There are also sales which is the reason why the three Stockholmsklubbarna, AIK, Djurgården and Hammarby, in the day have plenty of equity.

” I took the two Banguras (Teteh and Mohamed) for the team when the club was in the play-off and near bankruptcy. Then they got two Banguras and they were sold for, I think, 55 million, ” says Patrick Dark and continues:

– When Bosse Andersson (director of sport) was new to the island of Djurgården, and they had no money so they sold Daniel Amartey for 20 million.

– Now Hammarby stepped up this concept and travels regularly to Africa. I’m pretty sure that Odilon is only the beginning of it, think Patrick Dark.

Mikael sense and sense describes the strategy that the club, currently working for.

– It is simple so that we are scouting younger players and recruits and develops players as we believe that in the future can sell.

In line with the landed, just as the Odilonaffären was in port, another 18-year-old central defender from Côte d’ivoire in Stockholm to stay in Sweden to Friday. And on Monday night joined an 18-year-old striker from the same club, ASEC, which stops on Sunday.

” We want to familiarize ourselves with them and they with us. It is quite undramatic, this is the way we work, ” says Mikael sense and sense.

tied the Hammarby when he was 16 years old and played the Gothia cup. But because international football association, Fifa, introduced a rule that prohibits clubs to sign players before they turn 18, so was forced to work in a different way.

– the Chance for us is to create very strong ties and relationships, and the need to have to several. You need to have it to the agent, to the player, but also to the player’s family and to the club, ” says Mikael sense and sense and explains the purpose:

– to try To prove that we have a clear development plan, we have a good environment, that we will take care of the player in the best possible way, so he knows that the day he (Odilon) shall submit ASEC so will Hammarby be the natural choice.

– Odilon was here three months in the autumn of 2018. It was his fifth visit here before he wrote it, ” says Mikael sense and sense.

Patrick Dark mean that Fifa’s 18-årsregel discriminate against african players.

– A fantastically talented Swedish 16-year-old can choose to develop in Sweden, or go to a toppakademi in France or England. But a talented african players would have to wait until he is 18 before he can change the club.

According to the Dark, this meant that the european storklubbarna today are not as interested in looking up young african talents, and it increases the possibilities for Swedish clubs to make spelarfynd.

” Africa is a smorgasbord of scandinavian clubs. I have been in african players in 20 years and it amazes me that, despite these huge ratios financial that many clubs scored by african players, so it is very few clubs in Sweden who travels regularly to Africa and scouting, ” says Patrick Dark.

” I think Odilon will be a wake-up call for very many. I’m pretty sure that many clubs will get up your eyes because here we have a gold mine. The players are down there.

“Would you see purely financially on it, so would you hire a scout who goes to Africa, instead of having an academy,” says Patrick Dark, well aware of the controversial statement.

agents and clubs dealing with modern slave trade, when they contract young african players with the sole purpose to develop them in order to then resell them and make money.

– should we understand it so, if you don’t have full insight into the job we done with Odilon for many years, ” says Mikael sense and sense.

” you Ask him, so have Had become a family for him. Clear that the ambition from our side has been to be able to make a good deal, but no one is happier than he.

” He gets the opportunity to provide for his family for all time.

is aware that there is a downside where a hopeful african players being exploited ruthlessly.

” certainly, There are drifts of rogue adventurers who curls up african players. There are examples of african families paid to send their sons to Europe and so it is just a scam.

” But it is a completely different phenomenon. It can not be confused with an inexperienced toppklubb as Hammarby buy loss a 18-year-old from Côte d’ivoire, and then gives him a good contract.

“It has not to do with each other,” concludes Patrick Dark.