“Depression in the young risk professional”

“Young people who early in life suffer from depression or anxiety are at risk to get långvaria problems and end up outside the labour market. That is why it is so important that society invests in prevention and early help, write to the health Board in a re-evaluation.”

“The mental illness continues to increase, and in particular among children and young people. Despite the fact that more get the care and treatment remain the queues to grow, notes the national Board of health in its report.”

“the Authority also points to the mental illness likely to be long-lasting for the victims. A full 30 percent of the youth who was diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorders 2008 needed to still care ten years later. Slightly more than half to still medicine.”

“the Evaluation also points to mental illness in youth increases the risk of ending up outside the labour market. Of those who suffered early in life was almost was the fourth out of the labour market ten years after the diagnosis. “

“the Board therefore calls for an expansion of the first-line treatment. By this is meant a psychiatric primary care for young people with mild to moderate mental illness.”

“More than every third woman and almost every fourth man fell ill at some time in the life of a depression.”

“A quarter of the population suffer at some time of an anxiety disorder.”

“Diagnoses within the depressions and ångestområdet (including adjustment difficulties, and reaction to severe stress) causes more than 40% of all sick leave.”

“Source: national Board of report Evaluation of the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders”