“M and KD want to see more nuclear power,”

“the Christian democrats and the Conservatives want to build out of nuclear power for future energy needs will be solved.”

“– It is not just about nuclear power, but it is not least, nuclear power is one of the two base plates in Swedish energy production, ” says Ulf Kristersson.”

“the Parties believe that energiöverenskommelsen from 2016 do not have answers on how the future needs of energy supply will be solved when the electrification is increasing rapidly. During Wednesday’s call with the parties in the energiöverenskommelsen to Ebba Busch Thor (KD), Ulf Kristersson (M) put forward the nine points they consider should be included in an updated agreement.”

“It is time to update the current energiöverenskommelsen with the answer to the problems we are seeing now and which we did not see when it was signed three years ago,” says Ulf Kristersson, at a press conference, and continues:”

“– We have urgent challenges which should be addressed.”

“the Christian democrats and the Conservatives proposes, among other things, that Sweden should act in order to establish common EU rules for the authorisation of nuclear reactors in the union and to Sweden shall livsförlänga existing nuclear reactors and develop a roadmap for a fourth-generation nuclear power. The parties also believe that resources should go to nuclear energy research.”

“the Christian democrats and the christian democrats want to see over the ability to continue to operate the nuclear power plants Ringhals 1 and 2. Ebba Busch Thor says that it today, compared to then energiöverenskommelsen concluded, are in a better position to effectively pursue nuclear power.”

“We have evidence and correct to say that profitability is good and better than before energiöverenskommelsen concluded,” says Ebba Busch Thor, on the pressträffen.”

“in Order to cope with increased energy needs, Sweden needs more delivery assured fossil-fuel-free alternative, consider the parties.”

” We can’t just rely on sources of energy that are dependent on the weather. This is where nuclear power comes in, says Ebba Busch Thor.”

“the Goal for Sweden should be a 100% zero carbon electricity system.”

“Our intention is not to burst any energiöverenskommelse, but update it,” says Ulf Kristersson.”

“the Share of the electricity production in Sweden to 2018:”

“Source: the Swedish energy agency”