“The doctrine of the bride of Christ was left,”

“Åsa Waldau ended up as the pastor of University 2008. But in the assembly continued many see her as the bride of Christ and lived in the belief that the last day was near.”

“Now prosecuted three former members of the band and the road to restoration can begin for those who suffered physical and mental abuse.”

“Officially took the philadelphia church in the University distance from the doctrine of the bride of Christ, a religious notion that Jesus will return to earth in order to retrieve a woman to marry in heaven. But until 2018 when the congregation disbanded in the lived doctrine remain with many of the members, ” says Sanja Nilsson, doctoral student in religious studies and the author of a study of children who grew up in the University.”

“And Jesus the heavenly bride was Åsa Waldau.”

“– Åsa Waldau has not been the pastor since 2008, but served as a kind of spiritual inspiration. But she has had a great influence on the assembly anyway. The pastors and she has ruled the assembly, ” says Sanja Nilsson.”

“Now being prosecuted Åsa Waldau, who now have changed name, surname, and two additional persons who belonged to the assembly of the abuse and sexual exploitation by person in position of dependency. Repeated crime shall have been committed against eight people during a longer period of time. Waldau is suspected of abuse, according to the prosecutor.”

“the Doctrine of the bride of Christ is also a notion that the last day is imminent. When Jesus comes to fetch his bride, she must be clean and many members of the ward saw it as his task to act as a sort of spiritual wall to the Waldau.”

“– Then they must also be spiritually clean and they must be prepared to give up everything for it. Only those in the assembly who were clean would follow and go in weddings in the sky. The other would be left in a kind of hell on earth, ” says Sanja Nilsson.”

“– There was a level of stress and anxiety for children and young people. Imagine you can wake up anytime and so are all gone and you are the only thing that is left for Jesus has already come and downloaded all the others.”

“the Show on the last day, it could take concrete expression in their daily lives.”

“– It could be things that that that the shed you build must be finished the day after tomorrow, for what if Jesus is coming, ” says Sanja Nilsson.”

“She describes the physical chastisement as a tool that could be used to control the members’ behaviors towards a greater spiritual purity.”

“– Many people have been both victims and perpetrators. There was a requirement that would stand out with things and there could kind and ill-treatment included. There was also a requirement that you would discipline the other as a proof of its purity.”

“The strictly religious environment can be one explanation as to why it took until 2017 before the incidents was reported to the police.”

“– Those who would react waited for probably quite some time until they said something to the police. Many of those who were in the Knutbyförsamlingen was the young people who more or less had taken away from family and friends, “says Jan Nordling, a former journalist and the author of the book”

“He believes that the pending lawsuit can have a positive impact on ward members.”

“– It is very good that you do this final summation, if you call it for it. For it means that somewhere may vent all these allegations that have been. I think it is useful for the people involved, ” says Jan Nordling.”

“Sanja Nilsson says that many of the previous members of the ward can the indictment involve a kind of restitution, especially if it would lead to convictions.”

“– It is extremely hard for them it is torn up again, but maybe it can be a way to begin to heal.”

“the Wife of the then pastor Helge Fossmo was found murdered in the University in January 2004. In the house next door found a 30-year-old wounded by a gun shot.”

“In July 2004 sentenced him to life imprisonment for incitement to murder and two of attempted murder. Via text message he got a nanny, who worked with the family to carry out the crimes, according to the law.”

“Nanny was sentenced to closed psychiatric care, but she is ago 2011 released and is no longer considered to need treatment. Fossmo got 2017 on the other the refusal by the court on a request to have his sentence fixed to 24 years.”