“Do not Sune Nordin became involved as a support to the drew the attention of the philadelphia church in University when ledargestalten Åsa Waldau forcibly removed.”

“Through his work he was able to follow how the assembly partly opened itself to the world – and how it finally collapsed like a house of cards.”

“A day in spring 2017 sat Sune Nordin in one of the benches in the församlingslokalen in the University, which became a name on many people’s lips after the morddramat in the village in 2004. He thought within their ears.”

“Around him told member after member about how they had been treated by the leaders during the several years of time, about how they now had enough and wanted to ask to withdraw.”

“– It was my first encounter with the congregation, and it was overwhelming. I said to the person I sat next to, I barely managed to hear more because it was so painful, ” says Sune Nordin.”

“– The more they woke up and began to realize what they had, the worse they felt.”

“Utilized the people’s underdog”

“Sune Nordins part in the story of the little assembly in the University outside of Uppsala started with a colleague who called and asked for help. He had come there in the autumn of 2016 in order to help the congregation to get on their feet again since Åsa Waldau, and another leader, were forced to leave the village, but felt that he needed a helping hand. Alan Nordin says that the church in the first place needed to interpret the Bible, because the members lost during the years leading up to the fall of 2016.”

“– the Majority of the christian world interprets the concept of the bride of Christ as it applies to all christians, and not a person as in the case of Åsa Waldau. There were also other things that were not okay from a theological point of view, but that is not actionable. Without going into details, we have got to help people who have had difficulties and felt bad, ” he says and continues:”

“– The previous management has kept the people in check by threats, and abused the people behind it, which now becomes the prosecution.”

“Like calves in the pasture grazing.”

“During the summer that followed, went on the air in many ways from the community,” says Sune Nordin. The process began with the previously strict rules on not to meet with the outsiders began to slow down. The assembly’s children and young people were sent to a christian summer camp, and the adults went on conferences and christian collections.”

“– They were like calves in the pasture grazing, they felt such a happiness to meet the other. During my first meeting with the congregation, I said that there are many christians who pray for you, but the thought of me barely because they had bought the previous leaders ‘ description of the world that everyone was against them. They lived very isolated, and it is a declaration that there has been here, ” he says.”

“In 2017 disappeared almost all of the members. In the spring of 2018, there were only 15 left, and finally put the ward down.”

“Alan Nordin still see several of the previous members to give them support. He welcomes the fact that it happened in the University has now led to charges, and says many of them think that it is important that the events receive a legal review.”

“– of course It is hard and will tear up a lot, but it can serve as a finish regardless if it leads to conviction or not. It is a means to healing and hope for many of them.”

“Three people from the former Knutbyförsamlingen prosecuted for assault and sexual exploitation. One of them is Åsa Waldau, who are called the bride of Christ. Allegations of sexual offences does not apply Waldau, according to the prosecutor.”

“for several years until 2017, suspected persons within the church have done the documents and persuaded others to carry them out.”

“a Total of eight people are standing as a plaintiff in the case, according to documents from the district court.”

“the Conditions in the circuits in the assembly described as the closest to the superstitious of a former head prosecutor.”

“the Wife of pastor Helge Fossmo was found murdered in the University in January 2004. In the house next door found a 30-year-old wounded by a gun shot.”

“In July 2004 sentenced him to life imprisonment for incitement to murder and two of attempted murder. Via text message he got a nanny, who worked with the family to carry out the crimes, according to the law.”

“Nanny was sentenced to closed psychiatric care, but she is ago 2011 released and is no longer considered to need treatment. Fossmo got 2017 on the other the refusal by the court on a request to have his sentence fixed to 24 years.”