As the venue of the meeting from 16. June 2017, the Bernese 5-star hotel Schweizerhof was provided, Meeting room III, from 9.15 to 11.00 am. So it was in the agendas of the Federal lawyer Michael Lauber and its information chief, André Marty. Should participate according to the Outlook entry in Lauber “G. I.”: the President of Fifa, Gianni Infantino. For weeks, the Supervisory authority tries to the Federal advocacy (AB-BA) to clarify, what’s the deal with this ominous Meeting. In a 20-page paper from the 9. May 2019, this paper summarizes the preliminary results.

The report contains new Details for an informal Tête-à-Tête, which isn’t found with certainty, and to which no one can remember, and shows why the author is now against the Federal Prosecutor, disciplinary proceedings have been opened.


The Valais Prosecutor Rinaldo Arnold, who is friends with Infantino wrote to 9.02 PM, 13 minutes before the scheduled Meeting, a text message to André Marty: “Hello, André. Giannis train has been delayed. We will be a couple of minutes later. To the same. Greeting.” The information chief responded as follows: “Sali – No Problem. In 1. Floor, Meeting Room III.”

The Meeting is important because the Federal Prosecutor has laid out the AB-BA and the first Public open – in contrast to the two previous Meetings in the year 2016. This led to a rift between the Federal attorney and the supervisors. Highlight was a speech to a media conference Lauber on last Friday, at the Lauber of a “frontal assault” on his Person.

The BA had taken the informal contacts between the Federal Prosecutor and the Fifa Boss is under the microscope after it had become in November of 2018, due to the Football Leaks public. The meetings are problematic, because the Fifa is in a number of criminal proceedings, the BA party. Informal, not-logged contacts, the independence of the investigation in question.

According to the AB-BA there is further evidence of the existence of the third meeting. Already a month before that, on 19. May 2017, accepted the Secretariat of the Federal Prosecutor an offer of the Schweizerhof to the booking of the meeting room. Further, the BA AB-BA presented subsequently, an invoice for the room rental and Snacks.

Infantino, Lauber, and Marty said the BA-BA-BA, you could remember neither the date nor the state. Subsequent investigations, however, would indicate that the appointment had taken place. It is to be assumed from the point of view of the BA that it went to Fifa’s role as a private applicant in the proceedings, complex world of football.

Rinaldo Arnold wrote in an opinion to the AB-BA, the third Meeting did not take place; the above-mentioned SMS relating to the first meeting of Infantino and Lauber in March 2016. The date the SMS was probably not correct.


From the FROM-BA-the report shows that there were further Meetings with Arnold. The first took place on may 8. July 2015 between Arnold, Michael Lauber, and André Marty in the office of the Federal Prosecutor. Marty – how Arnold upper Valais, said the AB-BA, it went to “General criminal matters”, without reference to the football topic. In addition, the three met at the official adoption of the former Valais police chief on 30. June, 2016.

The BA concludes that it was “understandable” that the Federal Prosecutor did not know what was discussed at the Schweizerhof. She looks in your report for six points, which could give rise to a possible breach of official duty Lauber. The heard, Open the third meeting and the logging of the meetings.

Commission supports Lauber

Although the paper used for the AB-BA raises a number of new questions, see the parliamentarians from the control committees (CC) is no impediment to the re-election Lauber as a Federal Prosecutor. You’ve found nothing, “what would make the professional or personal Suitability” Lauber of the question, informed the GCC of both councils yesterday after a meeting. There is also “no evidence” that Lauber “have deliberately not told the truth”. Therefore, the GCC decided on a possible warning to their colleagues from the judiciary Committee.

The Commission meets today. You have to decide whether to propose Lauber to the Parliament for re-election or not. Is provided the choice in the summer session if they will not be moved in view of the unclear situation.

Federal Prosecutor fights back

The Federal Prosecutor fought back early vigorously against the impending investigation. In a letter to the AB-BA he questioned already about three weeks ago, if the action against him “would satisfy the basic principles of the rule of law”. Lauber defendant that he would have puts supervisors in a report to Parliament, in fact, a lie, “I’m full” – without giving him a fair hearing. Also have him suggest to the supervisor that you handle on behalf of the Parliament. This turned out to be incorrect. According to Lauber violated the “the right to a fair trial”.

The Federal Prosecutor criticized more, that is AB-BA of the press in front of him about the impending investigation against him. This “carves the presumption of innocence, calls into question my credibility as a Federal Prosecutor, and makes speculation feed,” writes Lauber. And: “It weakens the BA as an institution and the procedure at risk management, among other things, in the complex world of football, what is particularly critical, because the procedures are in the final phase.” (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 14.05.2019, 22:31 PM