“Over our dead female bodies, they are struggling to violate aborträtten”

“For me, that advocate the people’s right to control their own bodies, even if one happens to be a woman, so will abortnyheter rarely with the joyful news. Recent news about the new abortrestriktioner and doctors who feel backed by no less than God, when they invoke conscience in succession. In a report from the women’s rights organization Kvinna till Kvinna, I read that the figure for the doctors in Italy refuse to perform abortions is about 80 percent. Amen. “

“I scroll in my instagramflöde and stops at a picture of protesters with placards screaming ”Abortion access saves lives” and ”Keep abortion legal”. The caption tells me that in Georgia, the united states plans to introduce a new, very strict law. It was in the last week as Georgia’s governor Brian Kemp wrote in a change in the law which, if not stopped in court, will ban abortion after the fetal heart has begun beating. This can be as early as the sixth week. This, with the knowledge that women will continue to carry out abortions. Women will find alternative ways to cancel the unwanted graviditeterna, whether it is with your life at stake. This in ”the land of the free” (but?). “

“I stroll over the main square, Sergels torg in Stockholm. On the road from the house of culture to the metro, I stop by, then I’m suddenly staring straight into an enlarged bloody embryo. During the morbid picture, the clear message was ”Abortion – NO!”. Three people, two men and a woman, stand with placards and raised voices. One of the two men are incredibly heated, and screaming that women who undergo an abortion are murderers. Outraged people gather and discuss with abortmotståndarna. I stop myself and argue in a moment, and then remind me of the avain in to discuss with these ignorant people. I hasten on. The image of the bloody embryo has been etched on my retina. “

“In the fight to control and deprive women of power over their own bodies goes abortmotståndarna literally over corpses. It ignores the factors that rape victims should not have to feed their förövares unwanted children. That children do not have to give birth to a child. You do not care completely in the pregnant woman’s life may be in danger because of the pregnancy and that it thus should be concluded. In countries such as Argentina, where a total ban is carried out hundreds of thousands of illegal abortions each year. The approaches are more or less primitive, is always uncertain. Hangers, broken glass and violence against the body. Over our dead female bodies struggling people the world over to violate aborträtten. And even here at home in the equal little Sweden, the question is up to date. “

“The sweden democrats want to lower the limit for abortion from eighteen to twelve and the christian democrat Ebba Busch Thor believes that aborträtten may need to be reviewed. This is the beginning, what is the next step? Sweden can absolutely beat their chest in (sv) madam president, but no country is vaccinated against gender inequality and often we go backwards in development when we should continue forward. The right to abortion is not only about the right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. It is about my body is my, I have the right to decide over myself, the right to think freely, with the support of the law and the right to security in health care. Regardless of which sex I belong.”