“Traffic noise can obesity researchers are alarmed”

“the International terms of stricter standards for noise at residential. But Sweden has gone the other way, and set lower requirements. Now, scientists are concerned about the health effects.”

“at the same time, according to a new report a clear correlation between road traffic noise and obesity.”

“the Noise from the various kind of transportation can lead to a variety of health problems for people living nearby. Just how the link looks is in some cases not clear. But we know that noise from road traffic increases the risk of heart attack by prolonged exposure. It has a series of studies, also in Sweden, has demonstrated.”

“It is also clear that traffic noise causes sleep disturbance and disturbance in the form of long-term stress reactions.”

“Now shows a report that the people who lived on streets with much traffic noise had a greater waist circumference than the other, in terms of an average. The figures refer to just over 5 000 people in five municipalities in the greater Stockholm region. That the noise from the flights provide increased bukomfång has already been demonstrated within the same study. Now you can see the same effect of road traffic, though not as markedly.”

“– That it is the size that increases is a sign that the problem is stressrelaterat. Overweight with stressmekanismer to do give more abdominal fat, ” says Göran Pershagen, professor of environmental medicine at Karolinska institutet.”

“this Report relates to conditions during the years 1991-2006. Traffic noise has been calculated starting from the statistics on the amounts of traffic. Hälsouppgifterna is taken from a study in which from the began to was about diabetes. Accommodation on streets with little traffic have been compared with residents in streets with much traffic, and it has taken into account other risk factors for overweight.”

“the Results provide new support for how important it is to keep down the levels of traffic noise in areas where people live. The world health organization came last year with the new, stricter standards for traffic noise in housing.”

“But in Sweden, the amended parliament two years ago, the rules in the other direction, in order to facilitate the new construction.”

“For noise from road traffic comes to target a maximum of 60 decibels, as measured at the façade, and as an average in an average trafikdygn. Otherwise, the developer must make a special bulleranpassning. The WHO indicates instead the guideline value of 50 decibels, converted to the decibelmått we use in Sweden.”

“the decibel scale is logarithmic. An increase of ten decibels means a tenfold increase of the noise.”

“Bullerforskare are frustrated that their knowledge and warnings are not taken seriously.”

“– We build in the us in the future worries, ” says Kerstin Persson Waye, professor in occupational and environmental medicine at Gothenburg university.”

“More feel disturbed.”

“An interesting fact that research has shown is that a low level of noise now more than before to feel disturbed without the noise increased.”

“– of Both annoyance and sleep disturbance, occurs at lower levels today. This is most apparent for aircraft noise, but also noise from the train, ” says Persson Waye.”

” We scientists don’t know why. But one can imagine that if there is a higher general stressbelastning, it can lead to noise is experienced as more disturbing. It is not unlikely, ” says Kerstin Persson Waye.”

“It is known that noise pollution from transport produces negative effects on human health, even at moderate levels.”

“Different modes of transport are various disturbing. The noise from the flights is more harmful than noise from rail or road traffic.”

“the requirements for noise were alleviated 2017. But the world health organization went in last year in the other direction, with stronger standards.”

“WHO allow a maximum of 50 decibels from road traffic in residential areas, average in an average trafikdygn. It corresponds roughly to the noise at a normal, not tight busy, city street.”

“the Swedish rules allow the 60 decibel road, without special bulleranpassning. The decibel scale is logarithmic. An increase of ten decibels corresponds to a tenfold increase of the number of noisy vehicles.”

“the association between road traffic noise and increased risk of myocardial infarction has been established by a series of studies.”

“Research has also shown increased risk of high blood pressure, stroke, obesity and diabetes. The cause-effect relationships are not fully understood, but it is believed that the impact is due to noise causing stress and sleep disturbances.”

“Sources: Karolinska institutet and Gothenburg university.”