We can not close the door in the face of the ICE-swede children, who are in Syria. They are the victims of våldsextremism and terrorist crimes. Thus, we are obliged to protect their rights.

These children are referred by many of the timed bombs. It’s disgusting and irresponsible to express themselves in that way.

All children have the same status and they must be treated fairly. We can’t put an ICE seal in their foreheads. They will not be able to be integrated if people continue to treat them unfairly on the basis of their parents ‘ actions. Several politicians have made statements that are based on speculation, and they are just trying to create as much concern, disgust, and horror as possible.

the crc, and must take responsibility for all the children. ICE-swede children had no opportunity to choose for themselves their life and it is not their fault that they have extremists to the parents.

In Syria, the children had two choices. Either applied the ICE rules and obeyed the orders, or so they refused and risked to be tortured, raped, or murdered.

Denmark shall take away the citizenship of ICE-krigarnas child – an irresponsible action from the Danish government. I think that they are in breach of the crc. To take away children of their citizenship is a disgrace for a modern society. Should these children become stateless?

It is our responsibility to give the children to the ICE-swedes the protection and assistance no matter where they are, but to give them the support in place is not enough. Hunger and disease besieging them and there is not clean air, healthy food or clean drinking water and hygiene is poor, which leads to chronic diseases. This crucial issue must be resolved immediately. It’s about life and death.

my family and I come from Syria. We have experienced the same horrors in the refugee camp with constant fear for our lives. In the camps only smelled death. The kids are alive now, but who is responsible for any deaths in the future?

We can succeed with the challenge to integrate IS-the child, but it takes skills, a strong will and love to develop them in all samhällsgenrer. Sweden is ranked as one of the world’s top countries when it comes to child-rearing, teaching and training. We can give them all the help they need through good co-operation between social services, school and child and youth psychiatry.

Upbringing and culture plays a large role in the upbringing and behavior. Therefore, I believe that children need to live in a peaceful home environment, but their våldsbejakande parents. Where they must learn our social skills and basic values before they are placed in the school. They need to know that all the people should be able to live side by side regardless of their faith.

To train the ICE-the children gives more efficient results than to exile them. If Sweden leaves the ICE-terrorists and their children in Syria, the regime to prosecute them. It is a situation which we must prevent. They are sentenced to prison and meet other terrorists. Where the children will be even more brainwashed and learn about våldsbejakande extremism. When they get older release of the to form new terrorist group.

the Children must be taken home when they are innocent and find themselves in mortal danger. They need healthcare, childcare and education, but the government needs at the same time find an effective treatment plan for this to be a ”avprogrammerade”.

I’m worried of children’s health and urges the government to act quickly. Everyone has the right to a safe life and a new chance.