Erica Eriksson went down in the subway in Masmo in the south-west of Stockholm, as usual, on the morning of the 17th of april. She usually take the train 07.42 and had just blippat his card and walked the short steps down to the track when she heard a terrifying roar.

” It was no ordinary scream. It was a howl, an animalistic cry. Then I understood that it was serious, ” says Erica Eriksson when the DN hit her at the same place three weeks later.

toward the sound and saw a baby stroller got stuck between the doors of a subway car. In the stroller sat a small child who is Erica Eriksson believes may have been about a year old.

Despite the fact that the doors had not been closed completely, and started the train moving and accelerated rapidly, and began to disappear into the tunnel. Stroller, where the baby was stuck, hung half outside the.

– Now die the baby, it was the first idea I had, ” says Erica Eriksson and becomes noticeably taken when she thinks of the event.

Both she and her mother watched horrified how the wagon with great force struck in tunnelväggen when the train disappeared along the track.

the Mother cried and was completely hysterical. It was a terrible thing. I was in shock myself, ” Erica says Eriksson.

Erica Eriksson to call the SOS alarm – but tells us that she shook so much that it was hard to dial the number. At the same time she tried to take care of the mother, who also had another small child with them who also were on the platform.

After a few minutes – Erica Eriksson estimates it to be between five and seven minutes – came a train to the station in the opposite direction. Suddenly a man came out with the little child in her arms.

” In this situation, rips the woman just grab the child and jump on the next train. She did not want any more help.

Erica Eriksson tells us that she went with the woman to the next station – Vårby gård, where they both went.

as bad as I felt afterwards, it can only be a fraction of how the mother must have felt. She would have needed any help in a crisis, ” Erica says Eriksson. Photo: Anette Nantell

” as bad as I felt afterwards, it can only be a fraction of how the mother must have felt. I have thought about her a lot. She would have needed any help in a crisis, ” she says.

it has been mysteriously quiet, ” says Erica Eriksson on – no one has heard of. Neither MTR nor any authority has contacted her with the reason of the event.

” In my world, so a call is sent to all, police and fire departments, when a child goes into the tunnel in this way. And this only continued the metro to roll as if nothing has happened. Something like this must never happen again. I saw that the wagon was split in four parts, ” she says.

Fredrik Bouvin, head of security for the MTR subway, regrets the event and look seriously at what happened, he tells DN.

“Luckily, nobody was physically injured at the moment,” he says.

had left the platform on the Masmo station pulled any of the passengers in the emergency brake. Then stopped the train, but in such situations, the train is then run forward with the reduced speed to the next station.

– When the decision was made to empty the train of passengers. The driver was then immediately out of service and are so clearly bad. He has received discussion support, and other assistance. We have a special program that we follow when we have had an event. Among other things, it means to meet a doctors, ” says Fredrik Bouvin.

the Investigation so far has shown that there was no technical fault on the train, ” he explains further.

– It has not shown any technical errors. The preliminary result shows that it has with the human factor, ” he says.

During the ten years that the MTR has acted, it is the most serious event that has occurred.

that has to do with how the doors on the underground trains during the time that the supplier MTR has had responsibility for operations in Stockholm, says Fredrik Bouvin.

” We have about twelve million dörrstängningar each year. During the ten years that the MTR has acted, it is the most serious event that has occurred, ” he says.

– No, I do not like not to have to worry about. This is a sällanhändelse and it is because we are so confident of the systems and rules, ” he says.