“MP wants to punish the united states with klimatavgift”

“the green Party wants the EU to punish the US with the climate charge on american goods.”

“the Party believes that the united states shirking its responsibility for the climate.”

“– Then we think that you should pay for the harm it causes, ” he says.”

“A large part of EUROPEAN industry pays today for its carbon dioxide emissions by the covered by the union scheme for trading with allowances. MP wants all countries who do not want to be in the global agreement shall be punished by the EU adds a klimatavgift on the goods imported from thence.”

“the Fee shall be equal to the costs european businesses have emission allowances.”

“the MP do not see the EU as a result is likely to take the first step towards a trade war with the united states.”

” Right now, competing european entrepreneurs in the us who do not invest in billion in the conversion. It is not acceptable, says MP’s top candidate in the EU elections, Alice Bah Kuhnke.”

“If the U.S. would like to have a trade war consider the MP to the EU’s response should be klimattullar on u.s. goods, whose production caused the discharge.”

“the Proposal on climate charge are in an action plan named”

“– We find ourselves in a klimatnödläge and it is good that many are now talking about it. But fine words will not solve the climate crisis, on the other hand, a powerful climate policy, ” says Bah Kuhnke.”

“however, It is not the EU parliament, which formulates the long-term budget without the EU governments. The parliament shall give its approval.”

“A fourth proposal in the plan is that the european investment bank should be made into a klimatbank of capital to a green conversion.”