“Norwegian tourist infected by the rabies in Asia”

“A Norwegian tourist who has been on vacation in Asia have been infected by the rabies.”

“the Tourist was bitten by a dog.”

“Now the cared for person, who is seriously ill, in hospitals in Norway.”

“The Norwegian tourist, there is not if it is a man or a woman, was bitten by a dog while on holiday in Asia for two months ago.”

“Well back home the person has become worse and worse, and sought care at the hospital in Førde, on the Norwegian west coast, writes the Norwegian newspaper PLEASE”

“Where suspected the doctors of the deadly disease rabies and on Thursday, samples were sent to Sweden for analysis.”

“On Saturday, came the answers from the Swedish Folkhälsomyndigheten – it’s rabies.”

“the Disease is very rare in Norway and Sweden.”

“this is The first time since 1815 that a Norwegian citizen on the mainland have been affected by rabies.”

“– the Patient is seriously ill. In addition to this, we do not want to go out with information about the state. As usual, it is important for us to take care of the patient and the relatives, ” says Trine Hunskår Vingsnes, general manager at healthcare in Førde.”

“the Patient lives in Sogn og Fjordarne on the Norwegian west coast, according to PLEASE”

“The other who was on the same trip also came in contact with the same dog, that bit the tourist, but they live in other places in Norway.”

“Smittskyddsansvariga in their respective hemkommuner is alerted, it says in a press release. “

“- We take all the necessary precautions and continue with preventivåtgärder in accordance with the regulations and in consultation with the national institute of public health, says Trine Hunskår Vingsnes to PLEASE”

“At the central hospital in Førde, the staff has been informed that there are some reports that rabies is contagious between humans – there are in all cases no documentation that it has happened, neither in Norway or any other country.”

“the Disease occurs mostly in Asia, Africa and North, central and south America and is spread via the saliva from an infected mammal, dog, monkey, cat, fox and bats.”

“”one Hundred per cent fatal ‘”

“Rabies is a fatal disease if you do not receive care early.”

“the Symptoms are numbness and pain around the bite, ångset hallucinations, headache, confusion and convulsions – and the disease has gone so far, it is always fatal.”

“Or that Folkhälsomyndigheten in Sweden writes ”rabies is one hundred per cent fatal disease, which can not be cured in spite of modern intensive care”.”

“if you Have been infected, the disease can be prevented if you immediately be vaccinated and receive immune globulin.”

“Sweden has been rabies-free since 1886, but the last 40 years, two have been treated at hospitals in Sweden for rabies. “

“A man was infected in India, and became in 1974 the sick after having come home to Sweden. The second case was a woman who fell ill in the summer of 2000 and had been infected in Thailand.”

“Both had been bitten by a sick dog, and both died.”