“The passengers on the horror: the Aircraft bounced several times,”

“the Airplane bounced several times on the runway and ended up in the water.”

“Now tell passengers about the horror on board.”

” the Plane swung from side to side. The pilot could not control it, said Cheryl Bormann, who sat in the aisle.”

“The chartered aircraft, a Boeing 737, had lifted from Guantanamo in Cuba and would land on the military NAS Jacksonville, Florida, on Friday evening.”

“At the time of landing ravaged a storm in the area with lightning, rain and strong winds. The plane slid of the runway and ended up in the river below.”

“the Cause of the accident is not yet determined, but haverikommissionen have taken the plane’s black box for analysis.”

“more than 20 to the hospital.”

“the Planet – previously hired by the resejätten TUI in the Netherlands – had 136 passengers and seven crew members on board. No one was seriously injured, although a little over twenty was taken to the hospital for control.”

“the Lawyer Cheryl Bormann tells CNN that many of the passengers felt kind of creepy when they would go on board the Cuba. The aircraft had arrived there four hours late and those who went by warned his fellow travelers for that the air conditioning had broken down.”

“– None of us looked forward to going on board. We did it anyway, ” she says.”

“Cheryl Bormann describes the landing as ”hard”.”

” the Plane hit literally the ground and then bounced it. It was clear that the pilot had full control then bounced off the planet again. It swung from side to side. The pilot tried to get control over it, but failed, and suddenly it hit something.”

“the Plane was standing in the shallow waters of the St. Johns river below the runway. Inside the cabin had several oxygen masks precipitated and the shelves turned up so that belongings spread out among the seats.”

“– We knew not where we were. We stood there in the rain. It could be a river or the open sea, ” says Cheryl Bormann.”

“another passenger gives a similar description in a tweet:”

“We bounced a couple of times. It was wild.””

“Soldiers and animals on the planet.”

“the Passengers on board were military men on their way home or their relatives. All helped each other to evacuate. No one shouted. All did, as the flight attendants said, and went out on the wing.”

“– They did a great job and got everyone to take on flytvästarna. I am glad that I have listened all the times they have said not to blow up inside until you leave the planet. We stood on the wing for a good while before rescue teams arrived. Someone was blowing up a life raft, as people began to climb into, ” says Cheryl Bormann.”

“on Board were four pets that traveled in cages in the luggage compartment. They feared is now dead, as the part of the hold where they have been stowed up under water, according to USA Today.”

“the Aircraft was 2012 inbladad in a similar incident, the head Heavy. Then stuck it in the grass next to the runway at Concord Regional Airport in North Carolina. None of the passengers, all Nascar driver, was injured at the time.”