On 10 september this year, the Margaret Atwoods sequel to ”Tjänarinnans story”, ”The testaments” (in Swedish named ”The daughters”), over the whole world.

the Same day held a författarsamtal with the author of the classic dystopian novel in London – which will be broadcasted live in several cinemas around Sweden.

” I am very pleased that the launch of ”The testaments” is not just taking place in London on 10 september, but also live at over 1,000 cinemas throughout the world. I may not be physically present in all places at the same time, but I am looking forward to reach so many readers via the big screen, ” says Margaret Atwood in a press release.

Read more: Five key differences between the novel and the tv series ”The handmaid’s tale”

in collaboration with Norstedts, which gives out the sequel, which arranges the Swedish screenings of författarsamtalet. In addition to the interview with Margaret Atwood will several actors to read aloud from the new novel.

”Tjänarinnans story” from 1985 was the tv series in 2017 under the name of ”The handmaid’s tale”. In Sweden the series is aired on HBO Nordic, and in the SVT.