As one of many answers to the increasingly hotter climate debate are now being discussed rail service in general and nattågstrafik out in Europe in particular, in many different contexts. Facebook group Tågsemester now have 82 500 members, and the two travel agents are good to book trains in Europe (Kalmar, sweden and Alingsås) have waiting times of between weeks and months.

In januariöverenskommelsens 73-point programme between the S, MP, C and L are included to make it easier to go by train to the rest of the world. The Swedish transport administration has, therefore, instructed to procure trains with daily departures to various european cities. Many have seen the obstacles picked up. So far it has not presented any concrete ideas about how the new nattågstrafik to be implemented.

The negative trend has been reversed and the travelling is pointing steadily upward. To claim that nattågstrafiken would be an outdated phenomenon – as some commentators do – is contradicted by the actual development. It spent the day on the nattågstrafik in countries such as Austria, Finland and the united kingdom.

It is spent in the day on the nattågstrafik in countries such as Austria, Finland and the united kingdom.

It is currently being debated in many contexts, both professionally and in social media, how a nattågstrafik out in Europe would be able to see out. Here we give a proposal that would be implemented within a reasonable period of time.

On the route Malmö–Berlin, there are already commercial trains, even if the number of trafikdagar is limited. Contracted nattågstrafik should therefore aim at Western europe in order not to compete with the nattågstrafik actually already running.

It could be deleted from the Stockholm earlier in the day. While the Fehmarn Belt link is being built, the train has to go via the Great Belt bridge and Jutland. At 6 o’clock in the morning arriving train to Cologne, where there are good connections to Paris (arrival at 10 o’clock) and the greater part of Germany. The end point can preferably be Brussels, arriving shortly after 8 o’clock. After a byte can then even London can be reached to 10 o’clock. In the opposite direction, there may be similar connections with departure from Brussels at 21-the time, in Cologne just after the clock 23, and arrival to Malmö 8 o’clock. If the train continues to Stockholm, it can be arrived at lunchtime. These driving times are possible with today’s spårinfrastruktur and vagnmateriel.

the night trains go to the exotic non-stop through Denmark and stops in Cologne, Germany. It would be strange if the Swedish tax-subsidised train travel between Denmark and Germany/Belgium. In addition, the driving time can be kept down if the turn inside at Hovedbanegården in Copenhagen is avoided. Would one from the Danish side will hook on with the break so they may contribute additional funds.

An alternative trafiklösning is to drive from Stockholm at 18 the time, Malmö at 23 (the connection from Gothenburg at 20) and arrival in Hamburg at 7 the next morning. But then you are not reaching important destinations like London and Paris until the late afternoon.

There are wagons to rent, including the running of the DB before you put down his nattågstrafik 2016. In addition to sleeping-there is also, recliners, dining, and 1 class-strollers.

. Locomotives that can handle more power and security systems are already currently on the market. In the long run, new vagnmateriel, but initially should used wagons to be rented out. It should be emphasized that regular Swedish cars can’t be used, then they are too wide to be allowed on the continental tracks. The wagons need to a certain extent, special equipment, inter alia with nödbromsblockering to get run over Öresund and the Great Belt strait. Such equipment is already available on many trains and are no insurmountable obstacles.

We can compare this Swedish initiative with the upgraded nattågstrafiken Scotland–London by the Caledonian sleeper, which offered nattågsresor since 1873. From april 2015, a new procurement with the support of the scottish authorities in which the French Serco won the franchise agreement to operate sovvagnstrafiken. Serco has contracts in 15 years and in October 2015 commissioned 75 new wagons for the traffic. The wagons are strollers with a very high level of comfort, dining and sleeping cars of various comfort, including Europe’s first sleeping cars with double beds. The traffic with the new trucks began in april 2019. What you can learn from this is that bets on new wagons takes time and requires a long upphandlingsperiod.

We have looked at how a set-up from Sweden to the continent with the start within a reasonable time. There are wagons to rent, including the running of the DB before you put down his nattågstrafik 2016. In addition to sleeping-there is also, recliners, dining, and 1 class-strollers.

on the basis of how the costs of the train service looks, the Swedish betting move of about sek 60 million per year to daily drive a tågpar from Malmö to Brussels. This is broken down in approximately one-third each on the staff, the vehicles of the respective track access charges.

the Revenue is, of course, more difficult to calculate. It all depends on how many people want to travel, and therefore how high medelbeläggningen becomes. Austrian ÖBB has a medelbeläggning for the night train at 67 per cent, which is high. Our estimates required a medelbeläggning at approximately 50 per cent of the deal will give a surplus of about 5 percent.

At a anbudsupphandling can vagnmaterielen be made available and then the companies submit a tender. With this tjänstekoncessionsmodell, where the carrier accounts for the running costs and retain the revenue, can the carrier itself determine the fares. Preferably starts with a three-year trial period. The agreement should then be multi-annual, preferably 15 years, so that the carrier has an incentive to market and develop the traffic.

Our conclusion is that it is fully possible to operate a concept similar to our proposals on a daily basis with leased vehicles, which means that traffic start should be able to be done fairly soon. This is important for both the credibility of that opinion. Madam president, there is so much about this now to traffic start december 2019 would be preferable despite the fact that the timetables are already set. A more reasonable but also the challenging schedule is the summer of 2020. The 50 million kronor, or rather 45 million when the management is deducted, the available can sound much but is only slightly more than 25 percent of the total costs over a period of three years, the rest must be taken in through the ticket price.

This would give the passengers who want to travel time-efficient, environment-friendly and future-oriented to Western europe there is a really attractive option.