Frequent cannabis Smoking, and high amounts of the psychoactive substance THC favor psychosis. A large study in the journal “The Lancet Psychiatry,” with 900 patients confirmed this, provided at the end of March alarming Figures: high-potent Cannabis is therefore, in large European cities for 12 percent of the first disorders to psychosis responsible. In London, almost 30 per cent, and in Amsterdam even 50 percent.

Mr. Quednow, you will have to deal with the risks of Cannabis. Surprise you the findings of the British researchers?
The high proportion of Intensive users among the psychosis patients in Amsterdam and London, I did not expect so. The Figures may be a little too high. It is assumed that average consumption of 10 to 13 percent of the psychoses to Cannabis. This is already quite a lot.

According to the study, increases the risk of Psychosis in daily consumption three-fold, and with a high THC content, even quintupled. How high is the risk for a kiffenden young people?
Chronic psychoses are rare psychiatric disorders. About one percent of the population suffered from it in the course of life. Intensive cannabis use increases this risk to about five percent.

One of the 20 intensive stoners get so paranoid?
So it seems to be. The psychosis-risk is certainly problematic, but I think that others will weigh even heavier. The risk is increased in the case of regular cannabis users six-fold, to develop four to five years later, to a substance use disorder. The is massive. Who’s got the reefer in the youth intensive, and later disease, a greatly increased risk for all types of addiction.

“The impact on the intellectual development is now well documented.”Boris Quednow, pharmaco-psycho-Loge at the Psychiatric University hospital of Zurich

the question is: What came first, the Cannabis or the disease?
In the case of the psychoses, there is this debate for a good 30 years: Cannabis, psychosis, or psychosis to cannabis use? Ultimately, we can be a causality never prove it. But in the meantime, there are so many studies clearly indicate that cannabis use actually psychosis triggers. Also, most of the experts today. We definitely know enough to take on a health policy level this assumption.

Are there other risks?
in addition to the psychosis and addiction disorders, the influence on the intellectual development of young people is intense, consumers are now well documented. Over 20, 30 years don’t want to lose in the comparison to consumer IQ-points. The Affected, on average, have lower grades, lower educational qualifications and, more generally, in the lifetime of poorer opportunities. In addition, correlations to anxiety and Depression, at least for heavy users.

What is with the immediate effects of the Kiffens?
as Long as someone is under the influence of Cannabis, he or she has cognitive impairments, i.e., attention and memory problems, and difficulty with complex problem – solving or planning tasks. In the case of daily consumers, these problems will remain even in the daytime. THC remains long in the body and disappears after intensive consumption only after weeks or months of total abstinence. While in adults, the limitations to abstinence disappear completely, stay with young people but, apparently, in part.

there Is a age at which Cannabis is low risk?
will be started When only mid-20s, when the brain is fully developed, then the risk for psychosis, dependence and cognitive long-term damages to a minimum.

The new study supports that Intensive use is problematic. This speaks for a legalization?
There are people who now say we must protect consumers from the highly potent substance, by offering a state-controlled, lower-risk Cannabis legal. I think that’s a miscalculation. The Problem is that many consumers ask the high dose of Cannabis, and it would certainly still be offered in black, also the young people. In the US States that have legalized in the last few years Cannabis has increased, the consumption in total. How lasting this effect is, we don’t know yet. My biggest concern with legalization would be that – as it is now in Canada and the United States, big tobacco companies get in and you can’t go back because of a strong Lobby, and versatile financial interests. Even if you realize that the issues are the legalization, not less, but more.

In Switzerland are to be allowed Trials. Make sense?
There are various approaches that are interesting. To be able to long-term effects observed, might have a larger and longer pilot tests of advantage. We could simply wait for a few more years and see what happens in the United States. There are legions of scientists to accompany the legalization. Basically, I think we should decriminalize the consumption. In the sale I am still ambivalent. You would have to prevent in any case that the dissemination among young people is increasing. This could however be a very difficult task.

This Interview was first broadcast on 26. March 2019 published. (Sunday newspaper)

Created: 01.05.2019, 19:23 PM