“The liberals, similar to the increasingly social democrats”

“the line from the Conservatives on the EU’s future”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. When Liberals point out the future of Europe as it is about the Swedish EU-the fee shall increase by sek 15 billion and that the EU should be given powers of taxation. Further, the hooks now in arm with the Socialists to give the EU more power over the Swedish labour market, welfare and parental leave. It is completely the wrong way to go. “

“the Conservatives believe that the EU, rather need to fix the mouth after lunch and prioritise what is cross-border problems and opportunities.”

“but the party therefore goes to the choice on to increase european cooperation to fight crime, produce more renewable energy and nuclear energy to save the climate, create a more orderly immigration policy and create a stronger Europe through increased growth. “

“But we say firmly no to the increase in the EU-the fee or to give the EUROPEAN union power of taxation and power over things that should be decided by the member states.”

“the Liberals seem more and more like socialists, not only in his role which is to some extent due to Löfvenregeringen, but also in its european policy advisers with an ever higher bill for the Swedish taxpayers. “

“the Conservatives in the EU elections, therefore, the bourgeois options that believe in european cooperation, but which also safeguard the taxpayers’ money at EU level. “

“It is true that both the euro and the banking union are important parts of the EU cooperation. However, a Swedish membership of the euro can never be a goal in itself, but should be a means of strengthening the Swedish economy. Swedish people have also decided the question in the referendum. “

“At the moment outweigh the disadvantages concerning a Swedish membership in both the euro and the banking union.”

“for the european Elections, so it is clear that the Liberals and Conservatives have different priorities. For us conservatives, it is an important bourgeois principle to safeguard taxpayers ‘ money. We must do this in municipalities, in regions, and in the parliament – but also in Brussels.”

“nTomas Tobé, the top candidate to the european Parliament (M)”

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